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Your WordPress Website Needs a Holistic Approach to Be Successful: Here’s Why


A holistic approach to web development – is this actually a thing? Well, according to our WordPress Agency for Development it very much is, and it can play the biggest part when it comes to your site’s success.

Having a holistic approach to things means looking at the big picture. A holistic approach to web development refers to seeing the process as a whole interconnected entity. This approach is nothing new.

In fact, it has been around since the 4th Century BC when Hippocrates taught an approach to wellbeing that focuses on the person as a whole rather than concentrating on a specific body part or illness.

As you can see, holistic health practices have been around for years and continue to grow in popularity. The good news is that the holistic approach shouldn’t stay limited only to people’s wellbeing – it can apply to the wellbeing of your website too.

This is why, in today’s article, our WordPress development agency is going to tell you why your site is in desperate need of a holistic approach. We are also going to discuss what you can do to ensure your WordPress website development is completed with a holistic approach in mind. Let’s go and see the bigger picture!

Why Does Your WordPress Website Need a Holistic Approach to Be Successful?

And so, a holistic approach to web development means that you, as a business owner, should always look at the entire project of building your site rather than its separate elements.

This includes absolutely everything – the look and feel of your site, the features, the CMS, the SEO, the web copy, the videos, social media, and so on. EVERYTHING.

It’s basically the same as the human body. You’ll be better off if you focus on healing your body through consistent diet and exercise rather than taking a handful of pills every day, right?

Our WordPress development company believes that the same thing goes for your website. Since your site is your biggest marketing tool, you’ll need to look at it from all angles, and this is exactly what we call a holistic approach to WordPress website development.

You must understand that building a successful website can be a great challenge, especially if you cross paths with the wrong web development company that simply doesn’t take the right approach to website creation.

An outstanding website consists of many different aspects. It should tell your brand story in the most compelling way possible. It should make your business look professional. It should be user friendly. It should be well integrated into your sales and operations. It should send a message that resonates with your target audience.

As you can see, that’s a lot to cover and execute. Even if you have your priorities and goals straight, the process can still take months and sometimes years to be fully done. This is where the holistic approach to WordPress website development comes into play.

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Holistic vs. Fragmented

The WordPress developers from Vipe Studio believe that the right holistic strategy can guarantee that the website will be right the first time without having to undergo countless redos.

In a nutshell, holistic web development takes into consideration that each piece of the process matters to the success of the project. A website consists of many different parts, some of which pertain to its design and technical aspects, while others refer to its business-focused sides.

All of this must be included in the plan and the process of professional WordPress website development. We want to make it very clear that neglecting any one part can have significant (bad) consequences for your site.

For instance, on the front-end, things, such as poor copy, poor graphics, poor performance, poor layout, poor navigation, poor calls to action, and poor interactivity can all lead to an undermining experience for your visitors.

Put simply, our WordPress Agency for Development is absolutely convinced, thanks to our many years of expertise, that without a holistic approach, website projects can suffer greatly.

Think about it for a second. If your strategies focus on the user experience but not the technology infrastructure, your business will not scale. On the other hand, if your project is centred only on the technical side of things, it will fail to deliver an experience that connects with your target audience.

A well-executed WordPress website development should lead to customer conversion, employee attraction, brand amplification, and sales process automation. All of this can be achieved when every single one of the components of your site ties together and works as one big whole entity.

Remember that your website is much more than strings of code put together. The site of your business is like a giant rooftop that houses your messaging, story, and value proposition. Your sales and marketing collateral depends on it as well as your integrated business productivity tools.

Through your website, you’ll be able to do customer targeting and analysis. You will also be able to integrate your business processes, implement technology frameworks and infrastructure, and take care of your brand story and employee connection.

Our WordPress development agency can assure you that all of these components are essential not only for your business but for your website too. A holistic approach that works simultaneously on all of the aforementioned aspects can have undeniably positive short and long term impacts on your company’s growth.

How to Take a Holistic Approach to Your WordPress Website Development?

With all that being said, it is now time to turn our attention to the specific aspects of web development that, if done right, can ensure your website is built with a holistic approach in mind.

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Our WordPress development company believes that any successful website project merges 3 key areas. These are the essential technical, creative, and business aspects that your site should encompass. Let’s find out more!

Holistic Web Design

As a serious business owner, you should be aware that your website is the face of your company. It is through your site that most of your potential customers and employees will get to know you.

This means that you need to create an amazing customer experience to ensure that your brand message will stay in your visitors’ minds. How do you achieve that? Well, according to the WordPress developers from Vipe Studio – by taking a holistic approach to your site’s design.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Use storytelling: Make sure that all content on your site is consistent with your brand messaging and brand story. This will connect you with your audience and will reinforce who you are and what you have to offer. Remember that storytelling is a super powerful tool as people base their decisions on the emotions they’re feeling.
  • Use high quality, meaningful graphics: High-end graphics will help you create an impactful experience on your site. Our WordPress Agency for Development suggests you use visuals that enrich your content with more meaning.
  • Use subtle interactivity through motion and video: Your site’s interface can be made more intuitive and exciting by using subtle interactivity. Purposeful animations create an increased interest in the visitors and draw them into your business more effectively. Additionally, the video format can help amplify your message in a more engaging manner.
  • Use a strong layout: Any successful WordPress website development should incorporate a data-driven UI strategy. When personas, user stories, and focus groups are carefully packaged into your design, your site becomes easier to use. Along with that, you’ll still be able to get your value proposition across.

Holistic Technical Development

Here’s what you should have in mind if you want a holistic approach to the technical aspect of your WordPress website development:

  • Tech stack: When it comes to web development, there are front-end technologies, back-end technologies, and sometimes middle tier technologies. A holistic approach considers all of these technologies in order for the right decision to be made.
  • Performance: Performance affects search rankings. This is why your website needs to be fast and efficient to rank higher in SERPs. We suggest you evaluate all layers of the tech stack to see if any improvements could be made. Optimizing JavaScript and using a CDN can make your site faster. This will improve the experience and will also lower your bounce rate.
  • Integrations: Our WordPress development agency knows that a good website is always integrated with other systems that a business uses. For instance, a site can be tied into different systems, such as analytics, CRMs, customer data, user feedback, customer service, application processes, customer portals, employee portals, and ticket management.
  • Back-end CMS/Admin: We believe WordPress is the best content management system. Why? Because it makes maintenance easy. A holistic approach to web development makes sure that small edits can be done easily in-house by members of your own team. After all, you don’t want to hire a developer every time you need to upload a new picture to your site, right?
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Holistic Business Approach

Our WordPress development company believes that any B2C or B2B website should include features that aid the customer experience. Features that don’t work well or aren’t provided can lead to direct loss of trust and subsequently loss of revenue.

A site that is built with a holistic approach in mind should utilize technology to automate and streamline processes. This will further enhance operations.

Here are some additional things to consider:

  • Workflow planning: When done right, WordPress website development should be used to enhance the workflow planning of your business. This means that your site can support your sales and marketing workflows, customer support workflows, employee recruiting workflows, and business operations workflows.
  • Insightful analytics: A good website needs to be compatible with insightful analytics tools. The tracking and analytics can be then extracted and interpreted in-house by your marketing team.
  • Connection to digital channels: The expert WordPress developers from Vipe Studio can tell you that a holistic approach to web development should be closely tied to your other digital marketing efforts. Your site needs to be connected to your social media campaigns and your advertising. It should also help you measure what is working.

Take a Holistic Approach to Your WordPress Website and Get Ready for Success!

Our WordPress Agency for Development hopes that with this article we managed to convince you that your website needs a holistic approach to be truly successful.

Aspects, such as design, technology, and business should go hand in hand to ensure that your site encompasses the bigger picture, rather than focusing on a single part at a time. After all, this is exactly what ‘holistic’ means.

As you start planning your WordPress website development, be sure to take a holistic approach yourself or find a team of qualified WordPress developers who bring a holistic approach to their work (hint: the ones at Vipe Studio are real holistic forces of web development!).

If you’re serious about your business we recommend choosing a long-term web development partner rather than a one-time service that involves simply coding up some designs. This is why the professionals at our WordPress development agency know how to start a holistic process and execute a holistic plan centred on your company’s goals.

So, don’t hesitate and send us your inquiry today! We promise you that our partnership will benefit your business long after your site has been launched.


Vipe Team

Author Vipe Team

Our tireless team who creates high-quality WordPress-related content for you 24/7/365.