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How to Create an Email Opt-in Strategy for Your WordPress Website


In recent years, more and more marketing specialists have confirmed the theory that email marketing is one of the best ways to attract more customers and sustain healthy relationships with them. Many businesses make the mistake of using only social media to communicate with their audience and neglect the benefits of emails.

Our WordPress development agency wants to emphasize the fact that using emails is a proven way to turn visitors into customers. That’s why it is important to convince as many people as you can to give their addresses and turn them into subscribers. However, growing a quality email list can be a tricky task, especially without the right strategy.

In this blog post, our WordPress development agency will show you how to create the best email opt-in strategy for your website that will help you grow your list of subscribers. If you are ready, then dive in!

What is email opt-in marketing?

Our WordPress development company believes it is important to understand what email opt-in is before we start discussing the strategies you can create around it. Otherwise, you’d risk doing something you don’t get the hang of.

Email opt-in: definition

That is a term often used in the digital marketing industry. When we are talking about email opt-in marketing, we are referring to the process of getting permission from users before adding them as contacts to your email list and sending them content about your brand. It is one of the most effective approaches marketing specialists take.

Single and double opt-in

Now, our WordPress development agency will look at the two types of opt-in: single opt-in and double opt-in. The first one refers to the process when a user submits their email address, and immediately after, they are being added to your email list and can start receiving your emails. The second one refers to when a user has to confirm their email. They receive a link in their inbox and have to select it. After they finish the process, they are added to your email list.

The reason companies often decide to use double opt-in is to protect themselves from unwanted spam and generate a quality list of subscribers. Furthermore, users who are committed to take the extra step to finish the process, show more appreciation of your brand. This way, any users that are not as interested won’t take the step and consequently, won’t be on your list.

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The importance of email opt-in

Our WordPress development agency believes that every step you take to grow your business must bring value to your company. Incorporating an email opt-in strategy is one of these steps you need to add to your marketing strategy.

When users receive unwanted and unexpected emails they usually see them as spam – something no business wants to be perceived as. That’s where email opt-ins come in handy. Businesses use them to save themselves from being blacklisted. Furthermore, they can help in building a mailing list in a fast and easy way.

Nonetheless, if you have any interesting content you want your potential customers to see, adding it to your emails will be very beneficial for you. That includes promotional offers, any interesting stories you have, new products reviews, etc.

In other words, by using email opt-in you gain the trust of your audience. They show pure interest in your brand and content, and you can use it in the most beneficial way possible. Moreover, your messages won’t appear as spam to them which will help you maintain a positive reputation.

4 Best Opt-in Email Strategies

Now that you know what opt-in email marketing is and why it is important for your business, our WordPress development agency suggests continuing further. We are going to look at how you can improve your strategy to boost leads and sales.

Optimize your opt-in

If you already have an opt-in form on your website, our WordPress development agency would advise you to optimize it, even if it’s working. By improving your forms you could get more quality email subscribers. You should strive for perfection and perform regular updates to improve your website, product, service, or content.

A great way to generate business subscribers is by encouraging them to add their work email instead of the personal one they usually use. Another great tactic is to add the numbers of your subscribers, especially if they are a lot. This will create a sense of community and exclusiveness.

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Moreover, it’s important to inform your visitors what they could expect in their emails once they are subscribed. This way they won’t feel misled. And since we are talking about content our WordPress development agency would advise you to add exclusive information to yours. Of course, everything about your products and services is welcomed, however, why not include something about yourself, your company, and your employees? You can attach blog posts, social media posts, etc., in your emails as well.

Write attractive CTAs

You may agree with our WordPress development company or you may not, but in our opinion, CTAs (Call-to-Actions) is one of the most important parts of any website and of course, of every online-based business. They are a great way to convince your targeted audience to take the action you want it to take. For example, to download an ebook, to purchase something, and of course, to subscribe to your newsletter.

However, many websites use boring texts for their CTAs such as “Download now”. They won’t capture the attention of your visitors. To do so, you’ll need to get creative and think of something that makes your brand special and outstanding. Then, implement this in your CTAs.

Fortunately, WordPress offers a variety of plugins for creating eye-catching call-to-actions such as Thrive Ultimatum as well as Bloom and Monarch by Elegant Themes.

Use Social Media

As our WordPress development company already pointed out, most businesses rely on social media. We are not going to discuss if this is the right tactic or not. Instead, we’ll discuss how to use social media to leverage your email opt-in strategy.
Using social media to generate organic traffic on your accounts and foster a better relationship with your audience is a great way to expand your business’ reach. However, you’ll benefit much more if you decide to invest in advertising and to be more precise, invest in FacebookAds.

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With the help of these ads, you will target customers who could be interested in your products and services. If they do show enthusiasm, they will probably go to your website. Nonetheless, using ads is another way to collect email addresses from your targeted audience.

Exit-intent popups

There is no need to panic if your opt-in form didn’t work. Our WordPress development agency has a solution: exit-intent popups. These are popups that appear when the visitor is about to leave your site. They are an amazing way to generate subscribers. If users are satisfied with their experience on your website, they may want to learn more about your goods and your company as a whole.

This type of popups is user experience friendly since it doesn’t interrupt the visitors as they browse through your page. They can save the day when everything seems lost and you can count on them to generate new leads for your business.

Is email opt-in the best marketing strategy?

When it comes to digital marketing things are extremely fluid. Some trends and algorithms change as we speak (or in this case – as we write and read). After all, that’s why so many people love it – it offers a dynamic you can’t find anywhere else.

However, this is the reason our WordPress development agency, can’t tell which strategy is the best when it comes to marketing your business. We would suggest you giving email opt-in a try since it’s usually an effective and working strategy. Generating subscribers and potential leads is the foundation of having faithful customers.

If you’ve found this article useful, you can always visit the blog of our WordPress development agency for more information. Don’t forget that the success of any online business is first built through their professional website. And when it comes to professional web development, you can count on Vipe Studio, our WordPress development agency, to create the most attractive website for your business. Don’t hesitate to contact us!


Vipe Team

Author Vipe Team

Our tireless team who creates high-quality WordPress-related content for you 24/7/365.