Coding Agency for Web Development » WordPress Society » Viptor Says: WordPress Polyglots Team Launches New Monthly Newsletter

Viptor Says: WordPress Polyglots Team Launches New Monthly Newsletter


Hi, WordPress enthusiasts! It’s me, Viptor, here! If you’ve been following my blog series for a while now, you probably remember that time in September when I got super excited about WordPress Translation Day which extended to a month-long event.

It was back then when the WordPress developers from Vipe Studio told me all about the awesome work of WordPress Polyglots contributors. I still haven’t given up on my idea to become a contributor myself and help with the translation of my favourite CMS for the outer space users in the vast Universe.

WordPress Translation Day is obviously behind us already (I can’t wait for next year’s event, though!) but our WordPress Agency for Development learned some amazing news regarding the WordPress Polyglots team. And, of course, I want to share it with you all.

So, what’s the scoop? Drum roll, please, because the big news is that the WordPress Polyglots team has launched a new monthly newsletter! How exciting, right? With that being said, it is now time for me to tell you everything you need to know about this interesting journey WordPress Polyglots are embarking on. Let’s go!

The Challenges That the WordPress Polyglots Team Is Facing

Our WordPress development agency is thrilled to announce that the WordPress Polyglots team has published the first edition of a new monthly newsletter. The newsletter’s main purpose is to help contributors stay informed and engaged with the team’s activities.

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If you’re an avid WordPress user like me you probably know that WordPress has been translated by volunteers for more than 15 years since version 1.2. The earliest contributions came from the Hindi, French, Japanese, and Norwegian communities (big high-five for you, guys!).

The Polyglots team has grown immensely throughout the years, and it now includes the work of 55,427 translation contributors who make WordPress website development easier for non-English speakers.

As you can tell, 55,427 translation contributors are a lot of people. So, how do they stay connected? Well, as it has come to my understanding, they have adopted efficient tools like P2 and Slack to keep up with the work that everybody is doing.

However, some translators find it challenging to follow the big amount of constant posts and meetings. This is exactly why the monthly newsletter was launched. It aims to provide contributors with all the significant happenings and discussions in the translation community, presented in a short and easy to digest format.

New Monthly Newsletter From the WordPress Polyglots Team

Our WordPress development company was curious to find out that the newsletter will include news related to upcoming releases and Polyglots tools. This will be super convenient for contributors as they will no longer be lost among the team’s P2 blog, Slack channels, or RSS feed.

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So, you might be wondering how the first edition of the newsletter looks? I can assure you that it is great, and it features a brief summary of the month-long WordPress Translation Day 2021 event. It was lovely to find out that this year’s event brought in 697 new translation contributors (Welcome, guys, it’s so lovely to have you join the WordPress community!).

When our WordPress Agency for Development received the first newsletter, we were also very happy to learn that during the 22 local and six live stream events of this year’s WordPress Translation Day, the contributor teams submitted 518,710 approved translation strings (Good job, everybody!).

Did you know that the majority of people using WordPress are using it with a translation? This is indeed true, which makes the work of the WordPress Polyglots team absolutely indispensable. The latest statistics show that as of October 2021, 55.36% of WordPress sites are running a translated site.

The percentage is expected to increase even further because more and more users from the non-English speaking world are adopting WordPress website development as their CMS of choice. This obviously makes all WordPress developers very elated.

Sign Up for the Polyglots Team’s Monthly Newsletter!

So, there you have it – another big milestone for the WordPress community is achieved, thanks to the work of the Polyglots team and their new monthly newsletter launch. We congratulate them wholeheartedly, and we hope that the newsletter will help their work to flow as effortlessly as their words when they are translating.

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Our WordPress development agency believes that the newsletter is a good way to stay up-to-date with everything regarding WordPress translations, even if you’re not a member of the Polyglots team.

I and the WordPress developers from Vipe Studio advise you to not hesitate and sign up to receive monthly Polyglots updates directly via email. Trust us, you won’t regret it!

Also, don’t forget to contact us if you’re looking for a professional WordPress website development service that can take your online business to the next level. We build sites that are not only world-class but are also infused with our endless love for WordPress. Send us your inquiry, we can’t wait to hear from you!

Till next time, friends!

Yours truly,


Vipe Team

Author Vipe Team

Our tireless team who creates high-quality WordPress-related content for you 24/7/365.