Coding Agency for Web Development » WordPress SEO » How to Drive Organic Traffic to Your WordPress eCommerce Website?

How to Drive Organic Traffic to Your WordPress eCommerce Website?


Managing an online store is a challenging task that can take many unexpected turns. You need to take care not only of your products and services but also of your website. The latter plays a vital role in the success of any company that tries to break through the digital world.

If you want to reach your targeted audience and increase sales, our WordPress development agency believes that your best bet will be to work on your eCommerce website. You can do that in two ways: either by using paid ads or by improving your search rankings organically. The second is what most businesses count on. It takes more time and effort but it is way better for your business in the long term.

Improving your SEO can help you not only drive leads but also build better relationships with your customers. As opposed to paid advertisements, attracting traffic organically means that users find your website by searching for a product, not for your company specifically. Thus, they will be more likely to continue browsing on your website and buy from you.

In today’s article, our WordPress development agency will take you through everything you need to know about SEO and eCommerce so you can become discoverable and people can find your products easily.

Why is SEO for eCommerce important?

SEO for eCommerce is a type of SEO that makes sure your product pages rank well in the results of search engines to drive your targeted audience to your digital store. The idea is for your brand to become more recognizable and memorable and make more sales. That’s why our WordPress development agency encourages you to develop an SEO strategy for your eCommerce website.

It will direct visitors to your site and in the best scenario, they will become loyal customers. Search engines recommend only the best websites to users, hence ranking as high as possible will position you as a leader in the eyes of users. However, our WordPress development agency warns you that ranking an eCommerce website is not an easy task. You’ll have to compete for widely used keywords, make your website user-friendly and fast, and maybe even work on a content marketing strategy and create a blog. Nonetheless, the efforts and struggles will be all worth it.

Building your eCommerce website on WordPress automatically means that you’re already several steps ahead of your competition. The platform has many benefits, one of them being the fact that it is extremely SEO-friendly. Our WordPress development agency also reminds you that the most used and popular plugin for eCommerce, WooCommerce, is available only for WordPress.

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People nowadays are overwhelmed with ads and in most cases when one pops up, they don’t click it. Being one of the companies that don’t use ads increases your chances to charm users. Therefore, the best practice when it comes to attracting visitors is to focus your attention and efforts on SEO. You’ll also save the money you’d usually spend on ads.

Top SEO tips for eCommerce websites

Now that you’re well aware of how essential a properly maintained SEO strategy is, it’s time to look at the best practices for improving your ranking. Our WordPress development agency will show you how to optimize your website to drive organic traffic and increase sales.

Conduct a keywords research

The first thing you need to take into consideration when you’re improving your SEO is your keywords. Proper keyword research can take your eCommerce website places. You need to ascertain what words your target audience uses to search in Google when they’re thinking about buying a product. Next, you need to identify the keywords that have a high search volume and at best do not have much competition. The most important thing your keywords must do is to generate enough traffic – otherwise, they lose their value.

Our WordPress development agency suggests you think about what are the keywords you want to rank with, what do you want people to think about when they search for your product? Even if many sites are trying to rank with them, you still have a chance – it will simply take more time. Of course, you’ll have to be consistent and add them to your posts, permalinks, images names, meta descriptions, product pages, blog posts, etc.

A mistake that many companies make is to overstuff their website with keywords. That is something you should never do. Our WordPress development agency has a great article on this topic if you want to learn more. Another tactic that many companies rely on is adding long-tail keywords that can help customers find you. Our WordPress development agency also advises trying tools for keyword research such as KWFinder to facilitate the process.

Build a content strategy

These days, the statement that content is crucial for any website’s success is widely spread. Everybody is talking about content and it seems like more and more businesses are on the hook to create some themselves. However, is this true for eCommerce websites too? The answer is an absolute yes. Developing a content strategy is something you most definitely need to do after you finish your WordPress website development.

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Our WordPress development agency will now explain why. Most times, people use the Internet to search for interesting information and to find answers to their questions. By providing users with valuable information for free, you’ll position your website as a helpful resource. The search engines will also see you as such and you’ll increase your authority. Most companies create blogs – something our WordPress development agency would also advise you to do. That is because blog posts give you a lot of freedom and can easily be converted into another type of content.

A good content marketing strategy includes many steps. First, brainstorm ideas for your posts – think about your targeted audience and what would be interesting for it to read. Then, use the keywords you’ve already researched. Do not forget to create an editorial calendar since being consistent in your strategy is the key to success. Finally, you need to promote your content on other marketing channels.

Improve product pages

It’s no secret that your product pages are extremely important for your eCommerce WordPress website. That’s why our WordPress development agency would advise you to focus on them as well. Keep in mind that writing a few lines of text about your products and services is not enough.

You’ll need to add much more information if you want for them to become recognizable by Google and other search engines. A good copy sells well, we all know that. Work on your product names. Whatever is that you’re selling, don’t forget to add the name of the product so it can end up on the URL address and SEO title.

What else do you look at when you’re searching for a product? The images, of course! That’s why it’s important to add quality photos that showcase what you’re offering. Never forget to optimize your images for search engines too.

Optimize your website

Whatever you do to improve your SEO, the most important thing for having a successful online store is to build a great website. It must have a clear structure and a user-friendly and intuitive design. If your website is slow, if it has poor navigation and if it redirects to broken links, all of your SEO efforts will be pointless. When customers land on your page, they must be able to find what they’re looking for with ease.

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Nonetheless, having a fast and UX-optimized website will be good not only for your customers but for search engines as well. Our WordPress development agency reminds you that they notice whether your website is delivering a satisfying user experience. If that’s the case, they will reward you with a higher ranking in the results. The consequences will be more organic traffic to your site, more customers, and more sales.

However, building such a website is a difficult task that takes time and dedication but is also an important one since your website presents your brand. Thus, the best thing you can do is to count on professional WordPress developers.

Here, at our WordPress development agency – Vipe Studio, we have the best team of specialists. With many years of experience behind our back, we have been building top-notch websites for our clients. WordPress is what we are most passionate about and we’re always giving our best to create one-of-a-kind projects. If you still have any questions about website development and maintenance, feel free to contact us. We’d love to hear from you.

Conquer Your Goals!

Having an eCommerce website is a challenging endeavor that takes dedication and persistence. However, with the proper strategy, there is no doubt that you’d be able to succeed. We hope that our tips brought value to you. Whatever you decide to do, just remember to always do it properly so you can see results.

Nonetheless, having an online store is not so much different from having a traditional one. In both cases, the customers come first. That’s why make sure to offer only the best services and products; to provide them with valuable information and last but not least – to maintain a fast and user-friendly website.

Once again we repeat that if you’re on the hunt to find an agency to build you a high-quality WooCommerce website, you found what you’ve been looking for. Our WordPress development agency has many years of experience behind its back. We are confident we can help you in growing your business by creating a top-notch website. Don’t hesitate to contact us!


Vipe Team

Author Vipe Team

Our tireless team who creates high-quality WordPress-related content for you 24/7/365.