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Enhancing Performance in Open-Source Ecosystems: Addressing WordPress Websites


Today our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development is asking you: What is the world’s most famous open-source ecosystem? *inserting drum sound here* It’s WordPress of course! Being the most widely-used open-source platform, the CMS definitely deserves all the content created in its name. We make no exception as this article’s topic revolves around enhancing performance in WordPress websites.

In today’s digital era enhancing performance is developers’ most important goal when establishing and maintaining a website. It couldn’t be any different as the way a platform presents itself to its visitors is perhaps the most crucial aspect of elevated revenue and profit for businesses. Essentially, if a business wants to be successful in today’s landscape, it certainly needs an established online presence, be it a website or an application. Everyone goes first online – and so your business should be there ready to offer outstanding and high-quality products and services.

However, sometimes visitors (and potential customers, that is) could feel а little challenged accessing all website’s functionalities, tools and options. Once this happens, numerous problems might occur, with losing revenue and profit being at the top of the list. Since no business would want that, it’s crucial for the developing team to be doing all that’s essential in terms of keeping the platform well put and optimized at best.

Join us today as our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development is about to tell you all about enhancing performance – why does it matter, what could be done for it to be prevented plus some useful tips and strategies on what could be in fact done once a bug arises.

The Correlation Between Owning a Website and Its Smooth Performance

It’s a wide-known fact that existing online is essential in today’s business climate.

Imagine you’re owning a business that produces clothing. Of course, you, as the company owner, have a rich experience in the clothing industry, having taken numerous classes and educational evaluations on fabrics, model construction and fashion. Successfully you’ve been implementing all your capabilities, talents and skills in creating truly outstanding fashion pieces that had won everybody’s approval and praise. Yet, your boutique is finding it harder than ever to cope with enhancing its revenue and positioning itself adequately among competitors.

If you lack a website showcasing what you do, there’s a high chance we’ve just stumbled upon the nature of your problem.

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See, people nowadays head to their browsers the moment they hear about something, need to learn something or need to purchase something, be it a product or a service. We all love the idea behind research and online shopping – we can do it wherever and whenever we want, without the need of spending tons of our precious time visiting physical locations. If we need to address the above-mentioned example, it would be safe to say that the boutique is doomed to extinction mainly because people don’t have the chance to hear about it or stumble upon a clothing model somewhere online. That said, being relevant and up-to-date with the current state of the business climate is absolutely essential if you wish your brand to succeed.

On the other hand, of course, there’s the issue with website performance – even if your business owns an online platform, this doesn’t mean it would always work smoothly and bug-free. Here are some of the most prominent obstacles visitors come across that can ultimately spoil their entire experience:

  • Slow loading speed – among the most frustrating website-related things is certainly the slow loading speed. If your website is not optimized in terms of speed, you can bet many of your customers won’t have the patience to wait up for several minutes, especially if there are hundreds of other options out there;
  • Cashing issues – this is yet another reason explaining why a website can be slower than usual;
  • Lack of responsive design – the main goal is for visitors to be able to access the website from whatever device and still be able to access all its functionalities;
  • If we’re referring to WooCommerce stores, the purchasing functionalities are a must – no business would want its customers to find it hard to finalize a purchase due to high traffic or time out;

Of course, the list could go on and on – after all, the whole process of maintenance, optimization and enhancing performance is oftentimes turbulent and not that quick. The important thing is that if done correctly and timely, businesses would end up with splendid websites in no time, thus resulting in enhanced business credibility, reliability and recognition.

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That said, you’ve already probably well understood the importance of the overall enhancing performance you need to conduct on your website. However, it usually sounds easier than it actually is – yes, the Internet is filled with know-how and handy tutorials but this doesn’t mean a non-professional would manage to get all the job done. That’s why trusting a web development expert focused on WordPress is your best go-to strategy. Of course, this doesn’t mean we won’t be sharing some useful guidelines – we hope they would come in handy for your website’s future enhancement journey.

A 5-Step Guide for WordPress Enhancing Performance

Our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development has plenty of expertise when it comes to website enhancement – as a matter of fact, that’s part of our job when we dedicate countless hours of effort in terms of coming up with the best possible client solutions.

So without any further ado, let’s come up with this 5-step guide that will be anyone’s go-to strategy when it comes to enhancing performance.

Opting For a Speed Test Is The Very First Task You Need to Take Upon

We’ve already mentioned how important it is for your platform to run at light speed. Just imagine sending away customers merely because your pages are incredibly slow to load and people don’t have the chance to witness the many outstanding and high-quality products and services. Now, that would be a shame.

Fortunately, there are multiple tools and software solutions that can easily test your website speed and showcase all problematic aspects. Essentially, opting for professional assistance can drastically improve the overall website speed and can help you quickly get rid of all obstacles that slow down the platform.

Don’t Forget To Check Your Website’s Theme and Plugins for Some Extra Enhancing Performance

The minute we mention WordPress, we bet the majority of people think of themes and plugins. But do you know that if you let them unattended and not optimized, this could potentially lead to website troubles? For instance, the excessive usage of plugins can slow down your platform. Leaving the theme and the plugins not regularly updated can lead to security breaches of all sorts.

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That said, one of the first optimization steps developers should take is to monitor the theme and the installed plugins. If there are tools that you no longer use, get rid of them. If there are updates pending, do them. Keeping all addons up-to-date and running is the very least you can do in terms of enhancing performance and increased security.

Is Your Website Mobile-Friendly?

The topic of responsive design is inevitable when we refer to website browsing. Tendencies show that people prefer using their mobile devices when accessing websites simply because this allows them to multitask while on the go. That said, having a responsive design and mobile-friendly website will ultimately lead to happier customers and generated profit. Make sure all functions and design properties are up and running both on desktop and mobile.

Occasionally Scan Your WordPress for Malicious Activity

Having a website simply means always staying alert when it comes to security, malware and malicious activities. That said, one of the most crucial aspects of enhancing performance and optimization has to do with security scans. Make sure you regularly check your platform for security breaches and suspicious activity. There are hundreds of useful tools for that. What’s more, you can even opt for a security plugin whose goal is to guard your platform. The security matter is important in all cases, but especially when referring to WooCommerce working with people’s personal data and payment information.

enhancing performance

Focus on the CTAs

We all know that a working marketing strategy revolves around the idea of placing CTAs where needed. After all, those are all the “buy today” or “book now” buttons your customers have been always searching for. Making sure they work properly and are easily accessible on all devices is incredibly important if you want your business to scale in terms of profit and revenue.

Set Course Towards Enhancing Performance in WordPress Today

Our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development is already certain that you understand the importance of outstanding and excellent platforms. In order for businesses to achieve those, they always need to have optimization in mind. If that’s the case, every issue or obstacle, whether minor or major, could be effortlessly addressed as early as possible.


Vipe Team

Author Vipe Team

Our tireless team who creates high-quality WordPress-related content for you 24/7/365.