Coding Agency for Web Development » WordPress Development » Open Source Doesn’t Mean Cheap or Why High-Quality WordPress Websites Are Expensive

Open Source Doesn’t Mean Cheap or Why High-Quality WordPress Websites Are Expensive


If there is one thing that drives the experts from our WordPress agency for enterprise mad, it’s the misconception that since WordPress is open-source software, then it should be fairly inexpensive to build a website with the CMS.

Don’t get us wrong – you can indeed make a WordPress site with minimal effort and cost. However, what a lot of people don’t understand is that when it comes to WordPress, it’s all about scalability.

This means that the platform can cater to the specific needs of users on both ends of the spectrum – those who seek a cheap and easy solution, and those who require a highly advanced system to power their websites. And yes – our enterprise WordPress agency can assure you WordPress is THAT versatile and flexible.

Given those conflicting assumptions about our favorite CMS, we thought why not dispel all faulty impressions and settle the matter once and for all? This is why, in today’s article, we’ll talk about the open-source nature of WordPress, and we’ll explain why that characteristic of the platform doesn’t automatically turn it into a low-priced solution.

Let’s go and see why high-quality WordPress sites are an expensive investment that is, however, totally worth it in the long term!

Open Source Explained

And so, before we dive deeper into the subject at hand, we first need to explain what open source actually means.

Our WordPress Agency for Development reminds you that the term “open-source” refers to any program whose source code is made publicly available for users or other developers. This means that anyone can use and modify the program to fit their own unique needs.

When it comes to content management systems, you basically have two main options – use open-source software (like WordPress) or go for proprietary software. The main difference that sets open-source software apart from proprietary solutions is that the first is developed as a public, open collaboration. So, open source is freely available to the public.

To summarize, the open source concept (that applies to custom WordPress website development, too) specifies the following:

  • An open-source software license is free of charge, and anybody can redistribute it without constraint.
  • The source code must be made publicly available so that the recipient can enhance or alter it.
  • Improved versions of the software may be required by the license to have a different name or version than the original software.
  • It’s possible for the software to be ported to a new operating system.

Since WordPress is open-source software, it may be used for any purpose. It can be studied, updated, and shared with others. Our WordPress development agency believes that the best part about the open-source nature of the CMS is that it has fostered a spirit of openness and cooperation, resulting in a warm and friendly community.

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Furthermore, with additional eyes on the code, faults in the software may be detected and resolved more quickly.

Why Are High-Quality WordPress Websites Expensive?

Now that you know what open source means, it is time to delve deeper into the subject of professional WordPress website development and find out why a quality service is actually expensive.

You know how the old saying goes – you get what you pay for. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Let’s see what makes WordPress an expensive but worthwhile investment for enterprise-level businesses!

Enterprise Tech Companies Invest in WordPress Core Developers

Did you know that big tech companies actually invest in WordPress core developers? A core developer is someone who contributes greatly to the WordPress core. These programmers have final authority on technical decisions regarding major updates of the system.

Apart from that, core developers are in charge of architecture debates and implementation efforts. So, in a nutshell, our WordPress development company reminds you that these experts are there to make sure that our favorite CMS stays on top of the game. After all, the robust WordPress core is the very reason why so many large-scale organizations opt for the platform.

Even if you’re aware of the existence of WordPress core developers, you may not realize that there are enterprise companies that invest huge amounts of money in experts who do that as a full-time job. Yes, you heard that right – some of the leading companies in the tech industry actually pay specialists whose main responsibility is to contribute to the WordPress core.

Our WordPress agency for enterprise wants to stress that investing in such type of work is in no way cheap. On the contrary, large-scale businesses have long understood that a big investment in WordPress core developers can actually have amazing long-term benefits for the services and solutions they provide.

When we talk about WordPress core developers, we’re referring to experts in the truest sense of the word (people who are the best of the best in their trade). So, when you know that a company is actively investing in professionals like these, it should come as no surprise that the services they offer come at a certain price (that is usually, and rightly so, on the steeper end).

The main point that our WordPress Agency for Development wants to make is that if you want to work with people who have true technical expertise, then you should be prepared to spend more cash. If you’re an expert in something, you probably wouldn’t want to sell yourself short and provide your expertise for free, right? So, don’t expect a reputable company that invests in WordPress core developers to do that either.

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A High-Quality WordPress Website Demands a Multicomponent Process

Another thing we want to bring your attention to is the actual process of custom WordPress website development. If you are new to the web development world, you may not realize that building a high-quality website is a multicomponent process.

Each stage of this process addresses unique objectives and demands great attention to detail and high technical expertise.

We remind you that when you hire a professional enterprise WordPress agency, you’ll embark on a multi-level journey that includes various aspects, such as:

  • Consulting and Discovery phase
  • Website architecture discussions
  • UX design
  • Creating a theme out of the UX design assignment
  • Development process for all features and functionalities
  • Content upload to the site
  • QA process for testing everything
  • Going live

As you can see for yourself, building a high-quality, enterprise-level website is not a task for amateurs. You need a reputable WordPress development agency that has a team of skilled developers.

A custom WordPress website development process necessitates the involvement of experts who excel at various tasks related to website-building.

For instance, one WordPress developer will be responsible for making a theme out of the UX design assignment, while another one will be entirely dedicated to uploading the content to your site in one of the later stages of the process.

Finally, a WordPress or hosting expert will make the transition from your staging site to going live. All in all, web development is a complex process that encompasses many advanced technical tasks.

Our WordPress development company reminds you that these tasks have to be carried out by skilled professionals, and expertise is something you need to pay for.

All of these distinct and complex aspects of WordPress website development make the real high-quality services and solutions a rather expensive investment. It is an investment that pays out in the long term, though, making WordPress the preferred CMS among large-scale enterprise organizations.

WordPress for Enterprise Is Different From WordPress for Bloggers

Our WordPress Agency for Development has noticed that a lot of the misconceptions about WordPress, and the price to use it, stem from the fact that the CMS was originally designed for bloggers. The idea was that anyone can use WordPress to create a personal blog without needing any technical knowledge whatsoever.

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However, WordPress has evolved enormously throughout the years, and you can do so much more than simply blog with it. In fact, some of the biggest and most renowned companies in the world have chosen WordPress to power their high-traffic websites.

You can still use the platform to easily create the most basic of sites on your own. Our WordPress development agency reminds you that the basic functionalities of the CMS allow you to quickly make a personal blog or site at virtually no cost.

However, enterprise-level organizations are a whole other story. They have much higher technical demands due to the dynamic nature of their business operation. Here, we’re talking about high-traffic websites that are regularly updated with huge amounts of content.

This is where full-stack custom WordPress website development services take center stage. WordPress is a high-tech solution that can be used for the creation of the most complex websites imaginable. However, you should remember that a high-quality solution is usually expensive. If you want a stellar website, you simply need to be prepared to make a bigger investment.

Invest in a High-Quality WordPress Website if You Want to Experience Long-Term Benefits!

And so, we hope that this article has made you realize that when it comes to web development, open source does not equal cheap services. On the contrary, thanks to our many years of experience, our WordPress agency for enterprise knows that a high-quality website is an expensive investment, but one that is worth every dime.

Remember that open-source software has unquestionable benefits over proprietary solutions that are usually way overpriced and not at all reliable. All serious business owners understand that their websites are not a one-off investment. This is why it is best to invest in a high-quality website from the very beginning. Otherwise, you risk the success of your online business.

Are you looking for a trustworthy enterprise WordPress agency that can take care of the technical aspects of your website? Allow us to introduce ourselves!

Vipe Studio is a web development company that realizes large-scale projects, based on WordPress. We offer a myriad of WordPress-related services and solutions that can cater to the specific needs of businesses of all shapes and sizes, including Enterprise.

Our custom WordPress website development service is perfect for any company that seeks a scalable solution. We make sites that are ready to expand alongside your business. What’s more, we strive to establish long-term partnerships with our clients.

Send us your inquiry so we can learn more about your project and offer you the most innovative solutions!


Vipe Team

Author Vipe Team

Our tireless team who creates high-quality WordPress-related content for you 24/7/365.