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If Santa Claus Had a WordPress Blog


“You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I’m telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town”

This year, Santa Claus is coming…to WordPress!

We are all familiar with the image of the white-bearded man. Every year he comes to our homes and brings us beautifully-wrapped presents, and we give him a patch of warm gingerbread cookies to express our gratitude.

This is the beloved Christmas story we all grew up with. Indisputably, Santa Claus rules the hearts of many. His image is one of the most recognizable worldwide.

Our WordPress development agency can’t stop wondering how he manages to cope with all the work. On the North Pole, he works day and night with the elves to prepare gifts for every kid around the globe.

Thus, we believe he most certainly needs some type of creative outlet to relax his mind. What could suit him better than a blog?! He is a wise man and understands the flexibility and freedom a blog can provide – a place to speak to his audience and maintain his positive image.

Through the years, he has proven himself to be a first-class marketer who mastered the art of branding. Now that content is an essential part of any marketing strategy, a blog is what he needs. It will help him stay sane while he works, and at the same time, it will help him establish his name.

Therefore, today, our WordPress development agency will take you on a festive journey to find out how Santa’s blog would look like and what content we could expect from him if he was to create one. Let’s begin!

How Would Santa Claus Build His Blog?

WordPress is the most popular and well-known CMS that powers more than 40% of the Internet. Although it was first created with the intention to be a platform for creating blogs only, it grew to the powerful system we know today. It allows both beginners and advanced WordPress developers to build top-notch websites.

It gives enough freedom and flexibility for anyone to create a powerful site, an aesthetically pleasing blog, or an online store that handles enormous amounts of traffic. Therefore, it is no surprise that Santa Claus will choose WordPress to build his blog.

The big man in red probably does not have advanced developing skills, and WordPress will allow him to create a blog easily and fast. We suggest seeing what steps need to be taken to create the most festive blog on the Internet:

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  • Install WordPress
  • Pick a domain and a hosting
  • Choose a theme
  • Install plugins and are two different things that many people confuse. To create the blog of his dreams, Santa Claus will visit and will install the system on his computer. This takes little to no time.

Then Santa will have to consider his domain name – the website’s address that people have to enter in the URL bar to visit it. The domain represents the blog and sets the expectations of what users could encounter on it. Our WordPress development agency would advise Santa to keep it short, cheerful, and memorable.

The next thing the blog will need to be up and running is hosting – the place where the site is being stored so users can access it. Our WordPress Agency for Development knows that there are numerous hosting providers Santa can choose from.

We would suggest he first consider his budget and needs before he makes the final decision. Hosting plays a crucial role in the site’s performance. With Santa’s popularity, our WordPress development agency expects tons of traffic. Thus, we would suggest a more expensive one.

Design is the next critical element. It must represent Santa’s vision, brand, and style. Therefore, we believe he must bet on something festive, cheerful but at the same time – simple. The most convenient solution when choosing a theme is to pick one from the many on the WordPress directory.

The theme should give users an instant feeling of warmth and coziness. However, if he prefers to stick to the classics, a few Christmas elements such as snowflakes and candy canes will be enough to give the site a holiday spirit.

Last but not least, our WordPress development company believes that Santa Claus will have to install plugins. Many useful ones can expand his blog’s functions and capabilities. He can find one for all of his needs – social media, security, CTAs, quizzes, payments, etc. To add some festiveness, he can use a plugin like WP Snow Effect.

What Blog Posts Would Santa Create?

Now that Santa Claus had his blog all done it is time for the actual work – writing blog posts. With all of his present prepping activities, our WordPress development company believes he has a creative spark within him. How else would he be able to prepare all of these gifts?

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All content creators out there can agree with us that coming up with great content ideas is not easy. Sometimes the muse just doesn’t show up, and then you’re left with your sketched concepts. However, Santa knows that the best way to not stumble across such a situation is to prepare the editorial calendar in advance.

This way, around the holidays – his most busy and stressful time, he will have his content ready. The only thing he will need is to schedule his content, and WordPress will automatically publish his blog posts. To come up with blog topics, he will need to perform a few steps:

  • Outline his goals
  • Conduct a research
  • Brainstorm ideas
  • Create a calendar
  • Start writing

One of the keys to developing blasting content is to first have clear goals – Santa knows this very well. He would probably use his blog as a creative outlet, as our WordPress development agency previously mentioned, and as a place to connect with his audience and increase brand awareness.

The next step is to conduct market research. This step will be critical if he wants to reach his audience, understand the competition (Grinch probably has a blog too), and create informative and valuable content. For this purpose, he will have to analyze the market, create buyer personas and conduct keyword research.

After that, our WordPress development agency believes that he’ll be ready to brainstorm some festive content topics such as “Tips from Professional Elfs: How to Wrap Presents Like a Pro?”, “Why Cookies with Milk is My Favorite Treat”, and “10 Steps to End on The Nice List This Year”.

After that, the good old man in red will create his editorial calendar. He will plan his articles in advance. This way, if something urgent comes up he’ll still have enough content to post. Last but not least our WordPress development agency knows that he will start writing. By the end of the year, he’ll have enough informative and valuable content to publish.

Will Santa Claus Be a First Class Blogger?

Apart from being creative, Santa Claus possesses many qualities that will turn him into a first-class blogger. He understands his audience’s values, wishes, and needs. Therefore, there are a million letters sent out to him every year.

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He takes the time to write back to most of them. Thus, our WordPress development company believes that responding to comments on the blog will not be a burden for him. This will increase his engagement with the audience.

Furthermore, Santa Claus is consistent. He sticks to the magical story of the old man in red who slides down the chimney to leave his presents; the man who lives on the North Pole and works with the elves tirelessly, so every kid has a present under the tree on Christmas and the man who spreads joy around.

Our WordPress development agency believes that by adhering to the narrative, Santa Claus will be able to easily stand out from the rest who try to keep up with trends. Being a blogger demands consistency, creativity, and dedication – things that Santa Claus has proven to have. Conquering the blog universe is something he will do with ease.

Let Santa’s Blog Take Over This Holiday Season

Santa Claus is an essential part of most people’s Christmas worldwide. He sprinkles Christmas joy and festiveness. For most of us, it is hard to imagine the holidays without envisioning him. Apart from being an integral part of our lives, it is obvious that he can be an integral part of the digital world too.

Santa’s content will be a must-read for most people. Our WordPress development agency showed you that his blog will be something young and old will enjoy equally.

We know that if he wants to focus solely on producing high-quality content, he will entrust the website’s development to skilled WordPress developers – like the ones at our WordPress development company, Vipe Studio. They will be able to create a powerful and fast website for him that will handle the expected traffic.

If you’ve been dreaming about such a site for your company, this is the year to ask Santa for one. If you do not have the patience to wait until Christmas, then we suggest you reach us through our contact form. We’ll be waiting for your inquiry. Happy Holidays from Vipe Studio and Santa Claus, HO HO HO!


Vipe Team

Author Vipe Team

Our tireless team who creates high-quality WordPress-related content for you 24/7/365.