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6 Blog Post Types to Increase Your WordPress Traffic


Have you ever written a very interesting and valuable post on your WordPress blog only to find out later that it hasn’t generated even a fraction of the traffic you have hoped for? This is a very common problem and unfortunately, it often becomes the very reason for so many bloggers to give up on their blogs.

If you are experiencing something similar with your content creation, don’t worry, we’re coming to your rescue! Your WordPress website development can benefit greatly if you put a little more effort into choosing the right blog post types that can increase your traffic.

Implementing different blog post types for your WordPress website will not only make it more fun for you to create your content, but it will also keep your readers engaged and happy. You might be thinking that your specific blog niche doesn’t allow for more diverse content but this is definitely untrue.

Our WordPress Agency for Development wants to remind you that your blog is a platform that can manage any type of content. No matter your blog niche or business, you can always spice up your website by posting images, infographics, videos, or even podcasts.

With that being said, in today’s article our WordPress development agency will present to you 6 blog post types that can dramatically improve your website’s traffic. So, read on and give your WordPress website development the boost it deserves.

1. Posts From Your Personal Point of View

Do you know what’s the one thing that can almost certainly make someone take your advice? Speaking from experience. People love hearing personal stories that can provide valuable knowledge for a similar situation that they’re in. And by the way, if you think about it, this really coincides with blogging’s original intention.

Avid blog followers often share that most of the time they visit blogs and engage with articles to understand the author’s point of view or perspective on a topic. This is why your WordPress website development should be enriched with these kinds of blog posts.

Personal point of view posts are great because they can be used in practically any niche. No matter what your website topics revolve around, there’s always something that you can share or discuss with your readers.

The important thing here is to make it personal and real. Don’t just copy-paste some information that can be found on hundreds of different sites. Be honest and use your unique voice to tell your story.

Our WordPress Agency for Development thinks that in today’s corporate-driven world, a lot of people forget that blogging can be used for more profound and meaningful conversations. And don’t be mistaken – this will not harm your business in any way, On the contrary, it will make you appear more human which will eventually bring you closer to your readers or customers.

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Of course, there’s a catch with these kinds of blog posts. They are risky. You open yourself up to your audience, which automatically opens the door to criticism, too. Have this in mind when deciding whether or not personal point of view posts are right for you. If you think you can take the pressure, then go for it.

2. Video Posts

The video format is the king of all content right now! People can’t seem to get enough of it and they definitely prefer it over traditional written content. That’s a solid reason for you to think about implementing videos in your WordPress website development strategy. After all, your site will generate a lot more traffic if you use blog post types that your audience prefers and actively searches for on the Internet.

By putting yourself or your product in front of a camera, you make way for a whole other user experience for your audience that is otherwise restrained by the limitations of writing. Customers love buying ideas and positive messages. Your brand’s identity can be very well expressed and enhanced through the video format.

Obviously, these kinds of blog posts won’t work if you’re camera shy. However, our WordPress development agency thinks that if you give yourself a chance, you might be surprised by the results you can achieve. What’s more, there are plenty of different and creative ways that you can use the video format for your website without having to stand in front of the camera.

Some ideas for video posts that we can give you include:

  • Online tutorials;
  • Walkthroughs;
  • Talking head videos.

After you’ve created your video post, you can embed it from YouTube or you can also upload it directly to your WordPress website if you want to. Whatever you choose, we can guarantee you that you won’t regret the decision of making a video post for your blog. Your WordPress website development can only benefit from more visually-driven content creation.

3. Infographic Posts

Speaking of visual content, we can’t miss recommending the usage of infographics for your WordPress blog. They can increase your site’s traffic because they are real attention grabbers for your audience.

Not only do infographic posts look good, but they can also help you with social shares and engagement. Our WordPress Agency for Development has further noticed that they can provide you with some very important backlinks, too.

Ok, but how do you create an infographic post for your WordPress blog? You can check out some online tutorials and make it yourself or you can outsource the job to someone else.

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Professional bloggers really love infographics and they can even re-publish and re-share yours if you make them aesthetically pleasing and professional looking. With that being said, incorporating infographic blog post types is a very good strategy that can be beneficial for your site traffic and overall WordPress website development.

4. Q&A Posts

Q&A posts are very popular among professional bloggers, vloggers, as well as all kinds of influencers. What’s great about them is that they work as direct communication builders between you and your audience.

In essence, Q&A posts provide your readers with a range of answers to questions that they might have. Our WordPress Agency for Development believes that these types of blog posts can really skyrocket your website’s engagement and traffic.

Q&As are very useful because they make you actively listen to your readers. The most popular way to use Q&A posts is by asking your audience what would they want to know about you and your brand. This interaction can be most successfully realized through your social media channels.

After you gather the information that you need from your readers, all that’s left to do is for you to create your Q&A post. There is absolutely no limitation when it comes to these types of blog posts.

You can implement them into your WordPress website development by creating a Q&A blog post on a specific topic or a variety of topics combined together. The important thing here is to pay close attention to your audience’s desires and to deliver valuable information that they can enjoy.

A possible example for a Q&A blog post can be – “WordPress Website Development: 30 Questions and Answers From a WordPress Development Agency”.

5. Blog Series

Blog Series posts are blog posts that are broken down into a few parts. There’s simple logic as to why these types of blog posts can increase your WordPress traffic. Think about it – if you have the resources to write one giant blog post on a very interesting and valuable topic, why don’t you break it down into smaller parts and post it on your blog as part of a bigger series?

This strategy can work wonders for your WordPress website development. Blog series are very effective because they allow you to choose a certain topic and go into it in greater detail. Once your readers are hooked on your content, they will, by all means, return to your blog for more.

Our WordPress Agency for Development likes Blog Series because they make it easier for content creators to do their job. This is because these types of blog posts already have a topic so content writers don’t have to constantly come up with new ideas for publications.

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Blog Series are also easy to distribute across your editorial calendar – according to the length of the series, you can choose to publish one or two posts per week. You’ve probably noticed that here on the Vipe Studio blog our intergalactic friend Viptor has his own series “Viptor Says” in which he tells you all kinds of WordPress-related news.

6. Blog Interviews

If you’ve chosen a professional WordPress website development, you probably want the content you put out on your blog to be professional, too. One way to do that is by posting interviews on your blog. This type of content has the potential to really improve your WordPress website traffic.

Blog interviews are a simple, yet highly effective concept. People look up to authority faces and voices. So by bringing influential experts to your blog, your chances of increased website traffic rise.

You’ve heard of an influencer in your niche with a huge following? Well, try and get in touch with them, ask them if they would like to be interviewed for your blog. Securing a positive answer from them will not only boost their own confidence but will also increase your WordPress traffic.

Our WordPress development agency considers blog interviews to be one of the most efficient blog post types. They can draw a lot of attention and they can also result in huge social media shares and engagement.

When it comes to Blog Interviews you are not only limited to the written type of post. If you want to, you can get creative and make your interview a video or a podcast episode. Whatever you choose, don’t forget to promote your interview on social media even before you’ve posted it. This will create positive anticipation for your audience, especially if your guest is very well known.

Increase Your WordPress Traffic With Different Blog Post Types!

So there you have it! Those were the 6 blog post types to increase your WordPress traffic that our WordPress Agency for Development finds highly effective.

The great thing about these suggestions is that they will not only boost your traffic but will also enliven your WordPress blog with more diverse content.

Don’t forget to come back to Vipe Studio’s blog for more useful information and ideas regarding your WordPress website development. If you liked this post, make sure to check out “How to Find Inspiring Ideas for Your Next WordPress Blog Posts”.

And if you ever need an expert helping hand, our WordPress developers are here for you.


Vipe Team

Author Vipe Team

Our tireless team who creates high-quality WordPress-related content for you 24/7/365.