Coding Agency for Web Development » WordPress Plugins » Viptor Says: The Release of Surge – A Simple Page Caching Plugin for WordPress

Viptor Says: The Release of Surge – A Simple Page Caching Plugin for WordPress


Hello, my fellow WordPress friends. It’s Viptor here again, visiting the blog of my WordPress development agency. I hope you’re doing well and you’re as excited about the upcoming holidays as I am. Last time, I tried to help you get in the Christmas spirit and sprinkle some festiveness on my usual WordPress content.

Today, however, I’m back with the classics. I’ll be wandering around the universe of my favorite content management system and will take you along. We’ll discuss the release of the new Surge plugin and how it will be beneficial for your site. If you’re ready to find out, then there is no need to linger longer. Let’s dive in.

Why is Caching Important?

Before I tell you everything there is to know about the new plugin, my WordPress development agency suggested explaining what is caching and why it is important for your site. Caching is the process of temporarily storing data in a base for quick access. In computers, the data is stored on the hard disk, and it is available from there when requested.

The same that applies to computers can be applied to WordPress websites to improve performance. WordPress gathers information from the database when a visitor comes on your site and runs different steps before the page is sent to the visitor’s browser. This means that your website loads slower when there are numerous visitors at the same time.

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Through caching your WordPress website can skip many of the necessary steps it takes to load. Caching plugins create a copy of the pages after the first load and then give the cached version to every single visitor. The importance of caching lies in the fact that it reduces the load on your hosting and makes your website perform better and faster.

Therefore, our WordPress development agency believes that having proper caching is crucial. The latter can improve your site’s speed and performance. The faster your website is the better results will bring you. It will help you secure more traffic and better engagement.

Surge: A Simple Page Caching Plugin for WordPress

There are many caching plugins available on the market. One of them is Surge. Surge was released this month by Konstantin Kovschenin. What sets it apart from the rest available caching plugins in the directory is that it does not require configuration. The only thing you’ll have to do is to activate it. There is no experience needed to use it.

Surge was built because Kovshenin was not able to find a plugin that fits and works well with Sail – the CLI tool that deploys, manages and scales WordPress apps to DigitalOcean. Surge doesn’t have a “clear cache” button because the plugin automatically invalidates cached records when an event occurs.

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The plugin is free and can be accessed on Before you install Surge you’ll have to deactivate any page caching plugins you may be using. For any questions and issues considering the plugin, our WordPress development agency advises you to reach out via the support forums.

Is Surge the Best Caching Plugin?

Caching is critical if you want your website to perform at its best and help your business grow and reach new horizons. Therefore, using a suitable caching plugin for your WordPress website’s needs is a must. Because of their diversity, it is difficult to say which is the best. My tip would be to consider your goals when you choose a caching plugin. Each one serves different purposes.

It was a pleasure for me to present to you Surge – a useful and fresh plugin whose future we’ll trace. Both I and my WordPress development agency will continue to follow its development with interest and keep you informed. For more exciting WordPress content, I would advise you to visit our blog.

If you don’t yet have a website for your company, the WordPress developers at my WordPress development agency, Vipe Studio, can assist you in creating and managing one that is both professional and fast. They have years of experience in the industry. By working with us, you’ll receive not only a top-notch site for your business but also a long-term partner. We’ll be waiting for your inquiry.

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