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The Top 5 Custom Functionalities You Need to Consider for Your WooCommerce


It’s the summer season! Our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development is here to remind you to drink plenty of water, have a good time and plan a visit to the seaside as soon as possible! But before we get carried away in big summer dreams, it’s also important to keep up the good work – today we are going to discuss some of the most important custom functionalities you need to consider for your WooCommerce store!

If you are an eCommerce business owner, then you are perhaps quite aware of the fact that the summer season is oftentimes the period when brands launch enormous and highly profitable promotional campaigns.


If your business offers premium bathing suits, then during the summer you have the chance to scale quickly and effortlessly convert visitors into customers. If, on the other hand, your enterprise offers ski equipment, you can use the summer months to provide your target with outstanding discounts and promotional offers.

It’s all about picking the right strategy in terms of communicating your catalog and list of services. But fret not – our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development has plenty of experience in the field and is here to share with you practical ways for turning your WooCommerce into a selling powerhouse!

Join us to discover what are the five must-have custom functionalities and solutions you need to implement this summer season.

Breathe Life Into Your WooCommerce – It Will Pay Off

We live in the digital age – it’s truly a paradise for stores since they can reach huge audiences thanks to their online existence.

Opting for an eCommerce website is perhaps the best decision you can make business-wise. It’s the brands’ way of following the crowd – nowadays people prefer heading straight to the search engines and browsing a plethora of businesses and enterprises before making up their minds and choosing the ideal product or service. So it’s truly important for businesses to take good care of their platforms – after all, they are one of the best conversion strategies.

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WordPress Has Got You Covered

What does it take for an eCommerce store to be truly successful?

  • It needs to be scalable – right at the beginning, you could opt for a small website with limited functionalities, but as the business evolves, you’d soon need room for growth and further development;
  • Security is fundamental – eCommerce platforms deal with clients’ personal data and financial information so the platform being extra secure is one of the most important aspects you need to pay attention to;
  • Speed is not to be underestimated – in a world full of competition, you cannot simply expect customers to be extra patient if your website takes forever to load; instead, they would simply head to a competitor’s business;
  • It needs impeccable UX/UI design and intuitive navigation – without those, your customers would find it incredibly easy to get lost in the platform; being unable to find quickly what they are searching for has the potential to increase your bounce rate;
  • Thorough product display and information – don’t be scarce when it comes to providing your customers useful information and insight on what your store has to offer;

Of course, the list could go on and on – we just wanted to illustrate the numerous aspects and requirements an eCommerce store must face in order to be successful.

But fret not – our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development is here to remind you that WordPress has got you covered – its out-of-this-world plugin WooCommerce is anyone’s top solution when it comes to conducting outstanding eCommerce platforms.

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All the above-mentioned aspects of the web development journey are a piece of cake for WooCommerce – combined with a stellar web development team, your enterprise could truly witness and experience successful digital existence and high conversion rates.

Embrace WooCommerce Together with Top-Notch Custom Functionalities – Here Are the 5 Must-Haves

WooCommerce is indeed a powerhouse itself – but imagine the results if you combine it with custom-coded solutions and functionalities specifically dedicated to your platform.

Because uniqueness and authenticity matter – especially in eCommerce stores. In order for your business to thrive, it needs to live up to its clients’ standards – this means it should carefully observe and investigate their preferences and do its best to provide an impeccable user experience.

Custom solutions then come to the rescue – through individual consultations and careful planning, professional web development teams can come up with great functionalities specifically tailored to your business’s characteristics. And while this process is truly individual, there are still some functionalities that are more than welcome, regardless of your WooCommerce’s specifications.

Decide Upon a Custom Theme

It’s true that WordPress and WooCommerce combined offer tons of pre-made themes, perfectly capable of delivering up to anyone’s standards. But imagine the infinite opportunities and elevated level of uniqueness a custom-coded theme can offer!

Custom themes are fully aligned and tailored to your brand’s needs and tone of voice. Your web development team can truly come up with the best theme both functionally and design-wise. Breathe life into your WooCommerce by differentiating it from everyone else.

Invest in Adequate and Precise Product Distribution

And by stating that, we don’t refer to the product descriptions only – even though they are absolutely crucial for long-term success.

Invest in custom functionalities that allow for live updates each time a product’s quantity changes – there’s nothing more frustrating than a customer trying to purchase an item only to realize later on that it’s out of stock. Precise software engineering can get rid of inconsistencies by simply updating all information automatically.

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Level Up The Filter Feature

Pay attention to how your customers prefer browsing through your products – opting for elevated filter solutions makes shopping more intuitive and has the potential to increase conversions.

Opt for a plethora of filtering combinations – the more enhanced and precise your WooCommerce filters are, the easier it would be for people to find the exact item they need.

Content Personalization? Absolutely!

Opting for content personalization is an incredible software tool that manages your website’s content and recommends tailored and personalized pieces to each individual customer. Based on their browsing journey, the software recommends specific pieces that might be of interest and thus increasing the business’s profit and conversions.

Feature Outstanding Landing Pages

A landing page is any marketing campaign forte – so designing one that amazes is absolutely essential. Together with custom design and outstanding user experience, you can also integrate Gutenberg blocks editing – this way you can easily rearrange and alter the entire page with the infamous drag-and-drop feature of the editor.

Vipe Studio Is Your Trusted Partner For Custom WooCommerce Stores

If all the above-mentioned ideas sound good to you but you have no idea how to implement them, fret not – our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development is here for you! Don’t hesitate to trust our expertise – our experience in the WooCommerce universe promises outstanding results that actually pay off!

Reach out and drop us a message – our dedicated team of experts will go through your project and provide the best custom solution for your platform.


Vipe Team

Author Vipe Team

Our tireless team who creates high-quality WordPress-related content for you 24/7/365.