Coding Agency for Web Development » Freestyle » The Jedi Code of WordPress Development

The Jedi Code of WordPress Development


Hello there, galactic travelers! If by some chance you have stumbled across this article and our WordPress Agency for Development website, you might be wondering – what sets these guys apart from everyone else on the market? Here’s the answer to your question. We are real Jedi Masters when it comes to WordPress development. As in true, living and breathing, Force-wielding Jedi developers.

As WordPress developers, part of our job is to write good code. We like to do things a little more creatively though, so we implement the actual Jedi Code, as presented in the Star Wars Universe we so dearly love. How do you run a WordPress Agency for Development by the rules of the Jedi Code, you might ask? Today, we share our secrets with you!

What Is the Jedi Code?

Even if you’re not a die-hard fan, nerd or geek, chances are you’ve probably heard of a teeny-weeny little franchise called Star Wars. This is obviously a joke – we all know that Star Wars is anything but tiny. Its epic story has captured the hearts of millions of people in the world and its old and new characters continue to bring joy and inspiration to fans all around the globe. But what exactly is this Jedi Code we’re talking about? Our WordPress Agency for Development will gladly enlighten you on the matter.

In the Star Wars Universe, the Jedi Code is a sequence of rules that governs the behavior of the Jedi Order. At its core, the Code teaches its disciples to resist feelings of rage toward other lifeforms. This life philosophy helps its followers to stand against fear and protects them from falling to the dark side of the Force. Although we’re talking about a fictional universe, there’s a lot of wisdom that could be found in the profound words of the Jedi Code. We even dare say that the astute Jedi teachings can be successfully used for WordPress website development.

Don’t believe us? Sit back, relax and let us show you what we mean. After all, sprinkling everything we do with a pinch of pop culture references is our WordPress company’s trademark. From the very beginning of our professional journey, which amounts to more than 10 years now, we have sworn to follow the Jedi way. And who knows? By the end of this article, you may start to see WordPress developers in a new, exciting light! Spoiler alert – cross out the “may”, you will totally do.

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First Rule of the Jedi Code (and How to Use It for WordPress Website Development)

The first rule of the Jedi Code goes like this:
“There is no emotion, there is peace.”

This is actually pretty fitting with all the jokes about programmers being human-like robots made out of programming languages. So you might be wondering if these rumors are true – are WordPress developers really a bunch of cold-hearted, emotionless droids? Well, no. We already told you that our WordPress Agency for Development has gathered some of the most skilled Jedi Masters in the galaxy (not droids). What about emotions though? We can tell with certainty that they are a valuable part of any human experience and the Jedi are no exception.

The key difference here is that Jedi are taught to be mindful of their emotions because they could possibly cloud their judgment. The same thing absolutely applies to WordPress website development, too. To excel at their work, WordPress developers have to maintain a clear and sharp mind. Creating custom WordPress themes and plugins for example is a demanding task that definitely brings out a lot of different emotions, both good and bad. However, this kind of work also demands peace of mind to overcome the more challenging aspects of the work process.

Second Rule of the Jedi Code (and How to Use It for WordPress Website Development)

The second rule of the Jedi Code states the following:
“There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.”

This one is pretty straightforward. WordPress is one of the most preferred content management systems worldwide that powers 42.0 % of all websites. Even amateurs and non-tech-savvy people can use the CMS without a problem, thanks to its user-friendly interface. Having your own Internet space where you can share your passion projects and build your career is great. In terms of CMS, WordPress is your safest bet if you want to succeed in that endeavor. However, there’s a lot more to learn if you want to become a real Jedi Master of WordPress website development.

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Ignorance should be your biggest enemy and you should strive to never cross paths with it on your Jedi journey to mastering WordPress. Knowledge on the other hand should be (you guessed it) your best friend. WordPress website development is an extensive field that demands a lot of know-how if you want to be really good at it. To use another Jedi analogy, think of it that way – a real Jedi Master of WordPress must be able to wield multiple lightsabers in his hands all at once. These metaphorical lightsabers represent the different aspects of the qualifications a WordPress developer must possess. Some include back-end and front-end development, optimizing pages for conversion, a solid understanding of SEO principles, and many more.

Third Rule of the Jedi Code (and How to Use It for WordPress Website Development)

The third rule of the Jedi Code tells us that:
“There is no passion, there is serenity.”

Here, in our WordPress Agency, we always like to say that WordPress is our passion. So you might be asking yourself how exactly are we implementing this third principle in our work? Well, we already know from rule number one of the Jedi Code that even Jedi Knights are not immune to feeling intense emotions such as passion.

WordPress developers definitely do their job with a lot of passion. The Jedi programmers at Vipe Studio, however, also know when and how to cool down their emotions so that they can reach a state of serenity. This is very important because tranquillity is a key balance factor in any developer’s work.

Fourth Rule of the Jedi Code (and How to Use It for WordPress Website Development)

The fourth rule of the Jedi Code teaches us that:
“There is no chaos, there is harmony.”

If you have ever seen a written line of code on a computer screen and thought to yourself “Oh my, this looks like pure chaos!”, you’re probably not alone. For a lot of people, professional WordPress development seems like a daunting task. This is where Jedi wisdom comes in handy.

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The Jedi Masters in our WordPress Agency are all trained in the ways of the Force and can convert chaos into harmony with ease. Do you need a harmoniously working website? No problem – just hire one of our Jedi Masters of WordPress and you will have a website as unique as the Millennium Falcon!

Fifth Rule of the Jedi Code (and How to Use It for WordPress Website Development)

Here comes the fifth and final rule of the Jedi Code:
“There is no death, there is the Force.”

What does that mean in terms of WordPress website development? It means that if you have a Jedi Master developer by your side, the Force will always be with you and your WordPress website no matter what.

No website owner in his right mind wants his site to suddenly “die” and become unresponsive in the middle of browsing it. It will totally ruin the user experience that you’ve spent so much time on. A Jedi Knight is someone who will protect your website and make sure that everything runs smoothly at all times.

May the Force Be With You and Your WordPress Website!

To conclude, we hope that this article has been a fun read for you! As you can see, our WordPress Agency for Development really cares about the world’s favorite CMS and we constantly work hard so that WordPress can someday reach even some galaxies far, far away from here. If we have sparked your interest, don’t hesitate to contact us by Force-projecting yourself in our headquarters. Of course, you can also fill one of our inquiry forms here on the website. Whichever method of communication you find more convenient, we’ll be here for you. And as always, May the Force be with you!


Vipe Team

Author Vipe Team

Our tireless team who creates high-quality WordPress-related content for you 24/7/365.