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Some Interesting WordPress Features


We have a lot of experience working with our clients from our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development. Therefore, we know all features that are very useful for WordPress users. As a user of this platform, you may want to take a look at these features, so you can get a lot of benefits from this WordPress platform.

1. Reusable Block

When you are using this feature, you can save a particular block or several blocks, so you can use them anywhere on your site. This is a perfect tool that can save a lot of your time, especially if you add the same content to the same block. You don’t have to create the same content more than once. You can simply choose the toolbar menu when you want to choose this reusable block feature. Many of our clients from our ​​Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development are happy when using this feature because they can save a lot of their time.

2. Post Scheduling

For some clients who are busy with their daily schedules, our experts from our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development can recommend the use of this feature. It is better for you to schedule a particular post to publish on a certain date rather than immediately. WordPress can support post-scheduling, so you can set a specific date and time for your post to be published live on your website. If you want to use this feature, you can navigate to the status and also visibility under post settings. Then, you can change the date and also time to whatever you want.

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3. Embed Social Media Content

Based on our experience at our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development, this feature will be very useful for you who want to create engaging content for your website. Gutenberg has a block called Embed. For using this feature, you can search for the Embed block. Then, you can paste the URL of the content that you are going to embed. It is easy for you to embed content from your social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and also YouTube.

4. Image Editing

When you want to edit your images on WordPress, you can use this incredible feature from this platform. There are some basic image editing tasks that you can do with WordPress, for example, cropping, rotating, and also resizing. It will save a lot of your time, so you don’t need to use your Photoshop editing software anymore. You can navigate to the Media Library. Then, you can click the Edit Image to make some adjustments to your photo.

5. Sticky Post

This is another favorite feature that we can recommend to our clients from our ​​Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development. It allows you to put the most important content on the featured post on WordPress. Therefore, your readers can find this sticky post on the homepage of your website. It will be very useful to let your readers know the most important content that you are going to share with them. It will remain at the top part of your WordPress website forever.

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6. Close Comments Automatically

Many of our clients from our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development are using this feature from WordPress. Old posts can attract a lot of unwanted and spammy comments from bots. Therefore, you may want to consider using this feature from WordPress. This platform allows you to close comments on old posts automatically. You can navigate to Settings and also click on the Discussion tab. Then, you can find a setting that allows you to close comments and also change the cutoff period. You can prevent any unwanted comments from coming to your post.

7. Adjust the Autosave Regularity

This is another important thing that you may want to know about WordPress. Generally, WordPress will save your post automatically every 60 seconds. This autosave may cause some users to get crash, so it will be challenging to write as an editor. If you feel that the autosaving feature is disturbing, you can prolong the duration of the autosave. For example, you can setup the autosave feature to be active once every 300 seconds or five minutes. You can also change the interval to anytime you want.

Use These Features!

Make your WordPress website better with the 7 features we just showed you.


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