Coding Agency for Web Development » WordPress Society » People of WordPress: Marchela Petrova

People of WordPress: Marchela Petrova


Hello, WordPress devotees! We are delighted to have you again on our People of WordPress Series!

This time, our guest is the Bulgarian WordPress contributor and member of the WordCamp Europe 2022 Content Team – Marchela Petrova.

People of WordPress, as you may know, bring together personalities from the WordPress community to share their personal stories. WordPress has a large community of contributors, volunteers, and organizers, each with their own stories to tell.

In the third edition of our series, we will learn more about Marchela Petrova’s story and her WordPress journey from the beginning to being a member of the organization team at the biggest WordPress event.

Check out her story below!

Tell us about yourself – where do we find you now personally and professionally?

Professionally, you find me unemployed and focused on improving my professional skills as a QA engineer. I am enrolled in a QA fundamental course as I discovered my passion for testing products.

Personally, I am learning more about WordPress as I have a language travel blog in Portuguese and English, so I’m using my free time to dive deeper into the WordPress world.

When did your journey with WordPress start?

My very first encounter with WordPress was around 8 years ago when I first migrated my blog from Blogger to due to more features and cool themes.

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How did you become a member of the WordPress community?

I became a member of the community right before the pandemic of COVID-19 started. I was doing an internship for a youth NGO and my very first post was to write about volunteers for WordCamp Sofia. I also found out there were monthly WordPress meetings that were starting around the same time, so I started attending them.

When did you attend a WordCamp for the first time, and what memories do you have of the experience?

I attended WordCamp Sofia in November 2019 for the first time and I loved it. I met a lot of interesting people and heard there are a lot of WordPress events that I didn’t even know about.

Why do you voluntarily contribute to the WordPress community, and what motivates you to?

I love contributing to the community because I enjoy meeting people from the WordPress community and getting to know their stories. To me, learning about WordPress is like learning a language. The more you surround yourself with people who speak that language, the more fluent you become as well.

You are currently a member of the WordCamp Europe 2022 Content Team. What is the story behind it?

When I first found out that there are WordCamps, I thought it was only on a local level, but then I attended my first WordCamp and heard about WordCamps on a global level, like WordCamp Europe. There were a few people from the Bulgarian WordPress community who wanted to attend the WordCamp Europe which was going to take place in Portugal back in 2020 but unfortunately got canceled later.

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I was really sad as I was just starting to attend WordCamps and feel the magic of the community gatherings, so I kept on checking for news about when will be the next on-site WordCamp Europe in Portugal. When it was announced that WordCamp Europe 2022 will be a live event, I decided to join the Organisation team instead of being just a guest.

What do you like most about the WordPress community, and what would you change if you had the opportunity?

There are so many opportunities with WordPress, that it is really hard to decide which path to take. Meeting people from its huge community who work in different areas of WordPress and learning more about their WordPress experience is really helpful in finding my own WordPress path. The only thing I regret a little bit is that I didn’t find out earlier that there are community meetings and so many ways to contribute to WordPress.

Taking a look back

Vipe Studio is thankful for Marchela’s contribution to WordPress, as well as his participation in our “People of WordPress” series.

Marchela’s story has shown us that even the most innocuous touch to WordPress, such as blog migration, can immerse you in the magic of the most popular content management system that makes you want to be a part of it.

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Stay tuned for the next chapter of our “People of WordPress” series and if you know someone whose WordPress story needs to be told in our blog, mention them in the comment section down below.

Till next time, WordPress devotees!


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