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Discussing 5 Mobile-Friendly Tips to Make Your Website Shine in 2023


If there’s one thing our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development is certain about, it’s the mobile-friendly website requirement – in 2023 people will most definitely continue to use their mobile devices so web developers worldwide should indeed put their efforts into creating truly outstanding optimized platforms.

So we are here today with this necessity in mind – we thought that since mobile device usage is ever so growing and here to stay, we are obliged to shed some light on the subject yet again and discuss useful mobile-friendly tips that would come in handy for the years to come. In its practice our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development often engages in consultations with new clients in terms of website development – during our conversations, the topic of mobile optimization always pops up and we often need to explain to businesses why mobile optimization is so important in today’s dynamic enterprise landscape of development and scalability.

Even though we’ve discussed this topic on several occasions, we thought that revisiting it in 2023 is essential since both web developers and businesses need to be fully aware of the latest trends and recommendations in the field.

That said, if you are about to enter the world of website establishment, optimizing your platform to be mobile-friendly is an absolute must if you want your enterprise’s online existence to be up to the highest standards. So without any further ado, let’s get down to it – in 2023, here are the useful tips and solutions that would make your website fully mobile-compatible!

Mobile-Friendly Optimization Is Definitely Here to Stay

We doubt anyone out there still doesn’t realize the importance of mobile optimization for online businesses but even if that’s the case, let’s spend a minute or two diving into the subject before we get straight to the 2023-approved tips and techniques.

Numerous times our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development has investigated audience behavior – in a sense that’s one of the most essential practices whenever businesses decide to broaden their perspectives and get their enterprise to the next level. Let’s say you’re representing a clothing brand that aims at creating outfits for middle-aged people with an urban fashion sense. Once you’ve investigated the business landscape, you’ve found out that the presence of a website is absolutely essential in today’s scale of things. So the very next logical step is for you to seek web development professionals who can turn your goal into reality. But is this the only thing you need to pay attention to really?

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Oftentimes we discuss the importance of researching your potential audience and a huge part of this whole process is paying close attention to their shopping habits. How do they prefer accessing their favorite shopping websites and platforms? Chances are they are mobile users – nowadays everyone has a mobile device in their pocket, having constant and on-demand access to virtually anything they’d wish to look up.

But Imagine If Your Business Lacks a Mobile-Friendly Version

Websites that are not mobile-optimized display a multitude of obstacles when it comes to the user experience. Essentially, this ultimately disrupts the way potential or returning customers engage and elaborate with the platform. Nowadays, as people are so used to landing on impeccable and fast-loading websites, it’s crucial for businesses to truly level up their game in the experience department. Anything that could leave a bitter taste in your customers is a probable reason for the company’s lack of profit and revenue.

So in terms of mobile usage, a website should be optimized so that it provides a truly impeccable customer journey on the website. Indeed the great majority of people choose to use their mobile devices on a daily basis due to comfort mainly – we could all easily enter any website in the subway, when stuck in a traffic jam while taking a walk or simply in the comfort of our sofa without the need to stand up and reach our desktops. As businesses are well aware of this fact so they direct their time and efforts into coming up with truly dazzling mobile-friendly websites that are easily accessible from whatever device.

If the web development process misses on optimizing the website for its mobile-friendly version, here are some of the possible obstacles and issues users could meet:

  • Your SEO score would drop tremendously – search engines truly favor websites that have responsive designs and are mobile-friendly because that’s how they know which platforms to recommend to users;
  • Without responsive design, visitors would need to constantly zoom in and zoom out throughout the website so that they display the features they need;
  • Platforms that are not optimized wouldn’t be able to display all the needed functionalities and they would certainly find it hard to scale up to any device’s resolution;
  • Websites that lack mobile optimization features would be tremendously difficult to navigate, thus leading to people choosing to leave and head to the competition;
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Our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development is certain all businesses have managed so far to truly understand the significance mobile-friendly optimization brings to the table. Whenever a company owns a responsive website version, they won’t need to take care and launch two separate platforms – taking care of a scalable and responsive website is by all means the best decision in terms both of effectiveness and profit.

Here Are the 5 Must-Have Tips In Regard to Responsiveness and Mobile-Friendly Design

The Simpler The Better

Essentially, one of the very first things web developers and designers need to consider is the overall feel and look of the platform.

If the team is opting for full-blown custom design, professionals advise they need to stick to simple design solutions and features. Our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development is reminding you that WordPress is truly a great platform for all things custom-related – hiring professionals to build your website and its design from scratch would certainly take you places. But you need to have mobile optimization in mind – with mobiles’ small screens the simpler the design is the better. This way all the essential functions and buttons would be visible and easily accessible, without giving the platform a sense of overwhelm and density beyond usefulness and great UX.

Choosing Responsive Themes Is Still Among Your Best Shots

Of course, when we are referring to website development, especially with WordPress, the subject of themes always pops up.

If you and your team are about to be choosing an outstanding theme for your future platform, our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development strongly advises you to seek a responsive one. A responsive theme simply means that it has already been designed to scale beautifully and adapt effortlessly to each device’s screen, be it a mobile or a tablet. So if you’re considering either a free or paid theme, make sure it’s responsive and easily customizable for further optimization.

Pay Attention to What Fonts You Choose

Usually, when we refer to fonts, we’re used to believing that they play a huge role in terms of how the website looks and feels but reality shows us they also have a dedicated place when it comes to loading speed and the user experience.

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Picking standard fonts as opposed to more specific and unique ones usually promises easier navigation and usage both in terms of readability and loading speed. The simpler the font is, the faster your website would load and we all know just how important fast loading is these days when everyone is quick to have their needs met while browsing.

Certainly, Don’t Forget About the Images As Well

As we’re still on the topic of loading speed when it comes to mobile-friendly websites, we most certainly need to mention images.

A good and easy-to-interact website is one that provides an appealing design and is rich in visual content. That said, including images is vital to the platform, regardless of the business niche – but web developers need to remember certain rules that go together with a responsive and mobile-friendly design. Opting for adequate image sizes is a must, together with lazy loading – by enabling it you ensure the image loads once the user scrolls to it as opposed to having the website load all visual content at once and take longer to load altogether. Remember that slow loading is one of the first instances that push people to leave for good and head straight to the competition.

Make Your Content Easy to Read and Appealing to the Eye

Our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development has stated numerous times just how important content is but in the world of responsive and mobile-friendly design how it looks is also quite crucial.


Avoiding big chunks of text lacking paragraphs, proper formatting and appropriate imagery is definitely a mistake that could cost you fresh audience interactions. So checking with the latest SEO trends in regards to how to display content on your mobile website version is a must – this way people could easily interact with your content and your business would soon meet a boost in revenue and profit.

Consider Your Mobile-Friendly Website Today and Skyrocket Your Business

Undoubtedly having a responsive mobile-friendly platform is your ultimate go-to strategy in today’s business landscape for successful enterprises.

Our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development is here for the long run so do not hesitate to give us a call and engage in a professional consultation – we’d be more than happy to assist you not only when it comes to responsive design but to all things WordPress-related.


Vipe Team

Author Vipe Team

Our tireless team who creates high-quality WordPress-related content for you 24/7/365.