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6 WordPress Books to Read This Fall


With the constant development of technologies, more and more people have decided to build an online presence through a website. The chances that you’ve also started considering building a website are high. The best platform for this purpose is WordPress – let us tell you why.

WordPress is the most popular Content Management System that powers more than 40% of the web. Its flexibility, easy navigation, SEO, and mobile-friendliness are what make it loved by so many. Moreover, the platform gives its users the freedom to create powerful and visually appealing websites.

However, most users need some time to learn how to work on WP. That is not a hard process at all. But if you are a newbie with zero WordPress developers’ skills, then some guidance will be helpful.

There are plenty of articles and videos on how to use WP. But could something be better than a book? You could cuddle in a chair with a blanket, sip on a warm drink and dive deep into the world of WordPress – sounds like the perfect scenario for this fall. Especially if you’re a natural bookworm – you’d combine your love for books with your new arising passion for websites.

Or, perhaps, you’re a WP professional looking to expand your WordPress knowledge to new horizons? Well, we are sure you’ll find something useful as well.

6 books to learn WordPress

Like with everything new, it’s better to learn WordPress slowly but thoughtfully. Make sure that you fully understand the topic before moving on to the next one. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to create the website of your dreams.

Not to mention the amount of WP books out there – you can get lost in searching for the perfect one and never learn anything. Therefore, our WordPress development agency crafted this list of books for you so you don’t have to lose your precious time. Let’s jump in!

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WordPress for Beginners 2021

The author of “WordPress for Beginners 2021” is Dr. Andy Williams – an ex-school teacher. His previous career is the reason he knows how to deliver information understandably and clearly. The book covers everything you’ll need to start your WP journey and develop a professional online presence.

You’ll learn all the basics such as the difference between and, what is domain and hosting, plugins and themes, how to install them, why user profiles are important, and many others. Furthermore, the screenshots make the understanding process easier.

Our WordPress development agency believes the book is accessible and full of information. It will show you that whatever website you want to build – it’s possible with WordPress.

Professional WordPress: Development and Design

As our WordPress development agency already said professionals can also benefit from WP books. That’s why the next book we are looking at is targeted at WordPress developers and not at beginners. After all, we want to make sure there is something for everyone in this article.

In “Professional WordPress: Development and Design”, the authors’ Brad Williams, David Damstra, and Hal Stern teach advanced lessons on how to develop a WordPress website. Moreover, there are examples from real-life showing you how to use WordPress in your projects. You’ll learn how to use WP as an application framework and better understand WP practices and tools.

WordPress for Dummies

Our WordPress development agency could not resist mentioning one of the famous names in the WP directory: Lisa Sabin-Willson, a co-founder of WebDevStudios. Her web experience and knowledge of the platform are what give her book “WordPress for Dummies” so much power.

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The book is a helpful source on everything WP-related and will be your best friend when you decide to create your website or blog. You’ll learn how to customize a theme, work with multimedia, use the content management system, create a publishing schedule and create your first post. It’s a book every blogger should add to their library.

WordPress: The Missing Manual

“WordPress: The Missing Manual” is another great book for every WP beginner or for experienced bloggers and developers who recently started working on the platform. Our WordPress development agency finds the book very straightforward and full of all the necessary information.

You’ll learn how to use the plugins, themes, and widgets to create any type of website of your choice. The covered topics include: how to create a blog and build a website, how to add features, how to build an audience and community, and involve readers. There are even some SEO tips included.

The Web Designer’s Guide to WordPress

If you’re a web designer who is new to WordPress, our WordPress development agency believes you should give “The Web Designer’s Guide to WordPress” by Jess Friedman a try. This book can be your ultimate guide when it comes to WP theme development.

You’ll learn how to install WP, how to develop WP themes both basic and advanced, how to implement plugins, and how to become a part of the WP community (a very strong and powerful one, we must say). Every detail is covered: from real-life examples to step-by-step tutorials so there is no need for previous experience.

Blogging with WordPress

The last book on our WordPress development agency’s list is called “Blogging with WordPress” by Robert G. Price. The idea behind the book is that you don’t need a fancy website if you’re just starting. Instead, the author suggests starting simple to see if blogging is what you want to do.

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You can create a website with WordPress for a short period simply by following the step-by-step guide in this book. Some of the things included are how to build a website from scratch, how to choose the right domain, how to keep your site secure, how to implement marketing strategies, and more!

This book shows us that you don’t need the experience of WordPress developers to create a great website – you only need some basic understanding and guidance in the process.

Will books be enough?

Although WordPress books are a great way to learn the basics of the platform and expand your knowledge, there is one thing you should always aim to do – practice. No matter how much you know about WP, it will be pointless as long as you can’t create a website.

Therefore, our WordPress development agency suggests you read and learn and after that – start working. Even if the results are not as satisfying as you expected, you can try again and again until you’re happy. Of course, never stop reading to improve and become better.

However, if you don’t have enough time to learn the platform or you’re not interested in how it works, but you need a website, turn to Vipe Studio – our professional WordPress development agency. We have been building top-notch websites for our clients for years and we believe we can do that for you too.

If you want to learn even more about WordPress, try the articles on our blog where our writers create valuable content on all topics related to WordPress. If you need something more fun to read, try our HollyWoodPress series – we’re sure you won’t’ be disappointed.


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