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What’s Been Happening With Viptor Since He Joined the Vipe Team?


We have already introduced to you our outlander friend Viptor and his superpowers. A lot has changed since he joined our team. For starters Vipe’s team expanded. And so as Viptor’s talents. As you know, he is a master at WordPress, he knows everything, but now Viptor is reaching new horizons. He wants to develop his skills even more.

What’s Been Happening With Viptor Recently?

Ever since Viptor is on planet Earth he has come to know and love the human race even more. He has learned how to communicate with people even more successfully. The sunlight on our planet played a key role in the development of Viptor. The faraway planet Viper-563,  on which our dear Viptor was born, is so different from our planet. He is used to living in a cold and gloomy world. On his planet, there is neither sunlight that can place a smile on his face, nor trees and seas that can make him dream big. Earth has affected him extremely well and led to unexpected consequences. Viptor has evolved!

What Does the New Viptor Want?

Now he has a new dream and he wants to share it with you. Viptor has a great desire to meet people and to communicate with them. You know that he is a special outlander. And what makes him special is his WordPress knowledge and skills.

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This has helped him a lot lately, since he started communicating with interesting and successful people that work in the field of WordPress.

Viptor now wants to communicate with you too, to tell you all about the famous people in this field and the innovations that they know and present. Every month Viptor will show you an iconic person associated with the development of WordPress.

How These People Will Be Presented?

Viptor will tell you all about the professional background of this person and their successes and innovations in the WordPress world. He will present to you detailed and interesting talks with these people, so you can receive good tips for your WordPress website from the best people out there.

Many of these people have many years of experience working and innovating in the field of WordPress and you can learn so much from them. Whether you are new to WordPress development or not, you can get some useful advice. The WordPress world is changing constantly and now so is Viptor, he has evolved and he wants you to enrich your potential even more.

Don’t you worry about his never endless and intriguing WordPress tips. Viptor is a multifunctional alien. He is highly motivated and won’t stop giving you all the gossip and dirt concerning WordPress development. If we can borrow a phrase from Joey from “Friends”. Look out ladies, Viptor’s got the whole package!

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