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Use Colors to Improve The Conversion Rates On Your WordPress


A great WordPress website has the potential of both making or breaking your business. If you want to establish your company’s authority, improve click-through rates or drive more conversions, the aesthetically pleasing platform can assist you to do that. However, a WordPress website is a lot more than just graphics, layouts, and plugins. To establish an excellent online presence, you will need a website that is all put together, and all of its details are polished. That includes putting some effort into the color selection of your WordPress.

The choice the designers make for the color schemes they will create can divide into two general directions. The first one is the traditional one. Designers follow established color psychology rules and hope for the consumer’s approval, as they are already familiar with them. The second method of choosing the colors for a WordPress website is slightly more innovative. In it, the designers do not rely on the message a specific color/hue is bringing. Rather than that, they create a cohesive palette that is more appealing, supports the brand image, and offers a great UX design.

If you want to boost click-through and conversion rates on your WordPress website, you might have to build a strategy on the way you use the colors. With these few tips we have prepared for you, you can ensure that your platform will gain great results and improve the user experience.

Highlight High-Value Elements

The most advantageous way of using the right colors on your WordPress website is to harmonize them with the overall UX. The intuitive website is the favorite website for the consumer. Everything should be easy to find, and colors are one of those elements that guide the eye’s attention on all devices.

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We should warn you that the color palette you pick for your WordPress, will have an immense impact on readability. The shades of the colors, contrast, and opacity will direct the user’s look, showing them the correct order of the elements you want them to see. That will make the buying journey of the consumer more pleasing and easier.

One great tool you can use to pick the color palette on your WordPress website is Adobe’s fee Color wheel. There you will find an opportunity to make solid choices but keep your common sense on point. In the perfect situation, the colors of your WordPress will affect the eye pleasantly, will provide contrast between the text and the visuals, and will represent highly visible hues for the CTA buttons and all other high-value elements. That way, when a user land on your webpage, they will follow a custom path that you drew with the help of the color palette.

Establish Rules

Using the right color on your WordPress website helps you achieve balance and harmony. An evenly created platform is not only aesthetically pleasing. It also brings the great user experience your customers are having and inspires them to integrate with it.

Colors are one of the ways to send messages and communicate non-verbally. An example can be the colors of the traffic light. Every person on earth knows that the green color is used for “go”, and the red light means “stop”. But these are not the only colors we can use to say something.

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If your WordPress website does not bind to the green or red color, you are not obligated to use them to guide your users. You cаn vеry wеll аchieve thе sаme bеneficial еffect by аpplying yоur оwn cоlor pаlette. Just mаke surе thаt you dо sо, cоnsistently аnd lоgically.

The idea of the established rules is that they will help the user navigate better in the WordPress website he/she has landed. The customer can scan for the appropriate color and then get to the section he/she mainly intended to visit.

The Dose Makes The Poison

If you are redesigning your WordPress website and one of your goals is to boost conversions through color impact, you have to be careful. There is a slight chance of you going a bit overboard with the color palette. It is good to keep it different and appealing but remember that “The dose makes the poison” and too diverse and attractive can be a trap. Be careful not to become too kitschy with the design of your WordPress.

However, a better way to boost conversions this way is to prioritize the highest-value elements on your WordPress website. If you present your platform in an eye-catching manner, there is a great chance of achieving the results you are looking for.

In recent years, minimalism is among the major trends that all brands follow. The simpler the design of your brand identity is, the better it is perceived by the consumer’s eye. You can find that many famous brands like BMW, Go Daddy, Tripadvisor, Nissan, Durex, etc. redesigned their logos in 2020, making them more simple and minimalistic.

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Following this logic, we can conclude that minimalism is on a pedestal, and the design of your WordPress website should adhere to this direction. Keep it simple and keep it working. Choose the colors of your platform carefully and use them only on the elements you want to emphasize. You do not want your page to be too glowing and distract the attention from the main message you want to deliver.

Final Thoughts

The color choices on your WordPress website need to be carefully selected and considered. You can even create a strategy based on your WordPress color palette, which will assist you to achieve your goals. Morеover, kеep in mind thаt thе bеst wаy tо drivе convеrsions is tо bаse yоur dеcisions оn dаta. You will wаnt tоo tеst yоur visuаl elеments аnd mаke аny nеcessary chаnges.

If you are struggling with the right choices of colors for your website, do not hesitate to contact our WordPress development agency. Through the years, we have encountered all sorts of different cases and will be happy to resolve yours as well. For us, the design and development of a WordPress website is not only a job – it’s a passion. Therefore, we will help you choose the right color pallet to boost conversion with lots of pleasure.


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