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The Newest Emerging Areas Of WordPress Development


Like we enjoy reminding anyone who will listen, WordPress forms a major chunk of the Internet today, almost 40%, and for good reason(s) too. It is open-source, is widely used, better optimized for search engines than any competing platform, well-updated and secure, multimedia-compatible, and still manages to be as user-friendly as it is. This also means that you get the matchless potential for customization, oodles of plugins to add tons of features, incredible documentation and developer support, better search engine visibility, improved page loads and aesthetics to reduce bounce rates, and you can even get right into it, personally, without much technical knowledge. What more could you ask for?

Well, maybe a WordPress agency for development to help you so that everything is just the way you like it, but we will get to that in a bit.

Today we will be looking at some of the emerging, state-of-the-art development trends in WordPress website that you (and/or your WordPress agency for development) could take advantage of to help your business or passion discover its online identity.


Blockchain is the technology underlying cryptocurrencies, which have become a prominent mode of payment online. Blockchains also powers many other new web products, and you would do well to invest in website development that utilizes this emerging concept.

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Augmented and Virtual Reality

Any kind of website you might have in mind, whether educational, entertaining, or purely commercial – they can all benefit from more immersion, especially with how the pandemic has forced our work and our lives more and more indoors. And the best way to achieve this is to immerse in AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality), which you no doubt have heard of already. From creating virtual shopping spaces and living, breathing classrooms to letting you see how a potential purchase will look on you or in your house, these virtually mainstream technologies have what it takes to supercharge the online experience that your users and visitors have.

Voice Assistance and Search

These are hardly new anymore – everyone knows their Siris, Alexas, and Google Assistants by now – but there is a difference between:

  • Using them as personal assistants on the phone
  • Developing equally powerful voice search and assistance, baked right into your website.

The combination of mobile screens becoming the primary browsing devices for most people, and the same touchscreen keyboards not being anywhere as comfortable as a proper keyboard or convenient when you’re on the move, make voice search not just a nice-to-have for your modern website, but an essential for anyone serious about accessibility and User Experience.

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AI tools such as chatbots can help with automating a lot of website activities, including assisting customers with queries and issues, capturing potential clients, identifying patterns in visitor interaction, and just making the overall UX better. Pick any great WordPress agency for development that can enhance your website with an AI tool.

IoT (Internet of Things)

Like most of the other emerging technologies discussed here, this one has been around and building up to the mainstream for a while now. However, quarantines and safety protocols have accelerated its mass adoption across industries as diverse as healthcare, delivery services, home automation solutions, and other logistic services. Remote diagnoses, appliances that can communicate with each other and be controlled over the web, tracking moving goods minutely – you name it, they have it. Developing IoT apps to be added to your WordPress website can make a lot of sense if you are trying to provide or integrate such bleeding-edge services into your business.

In closing, we would just like to remind you that trends need to be utilized before they are replaced by the next new thing, and it is wise to hire a WordPress agency for development that always has its finger on the pulse of new trends and how they benefit you.

Our own expert and experienced team here at Vipe Studio would be a smart choice if we say so ourselves, but contact us with your requirements for a complete idea of what we can do for you.

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