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It’s All About Online Education: On LMS, WordPress and Everything In-Between


If our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development has to choose only one thing we’re passionate about, we’d definitely pick education! Through learning and knowledge everybody can succeed in virtually any field of expertise, be it web development, coding, marketing, content writing, you name it. So we figured it’s about time we revisit one of our favorite subjects – let’s discuss LMS creation in the context of WordPress development!

Luckily, technology nowadays allows us to benefit tremendously from our time spent online. Be it online shopping, browsing through movies and music on streaming platforms or using multiple pieces of software for time and project management in our professional aspirations, we can access almost every service we’ve ever dreamt of. Of course, this includes online education – a phenomenon in today’s fast-paced world where everyone can enter the world of knowledge and further develop their expertise.

Join us today as we are about to discuss the LMS platforms: what are they, why are they so important and how can anyone end up with a dazzling e-learning website thanks to the LMS WordPress integration feature. Our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development is certain you’ll end up feeling as inspired and eager to learn as we did.

Are you ready to enter the realms of endless learning? Let’s begin!

How Has the Learning Experience Changed for Everybody?

We are firm believers in the idea that, at some point, every person realizes and acknowledges the importance of education.

Years ago people accessed education via traditional and well-known sources such as schools, and universities, attending courses and seminars. As time went by, everyone widened their perspectives and did their best to include yet another expertise in their portfolios and CVs – education matters and it allows us to reach new heights in the personal development department.

Once technology and the Internet evolved tremendously, new directions began popping on the horizon.

As people began spending their time online more and more, developers and educators combined joined forces and established a new way of accessing information and knowledge. With time people could educate themselves online from virtually any point in place and time.

Our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development is a big fan when it comes to e-learning – we assume people should not be restrained by circumstances if they wish to learn and gain knowledge.

Suddenly all we had to do was search online for a desired class or a seminar and enroll with just a few clicks. Virtual classrooms have been made, homework and assignments have been given, and students had the chance to communicate online directly with their teacher for a better and elevated learning experience.

Of course, the global COVID-19 pandemic affected everyone, including the education system. As students were sent back home, it was thanks to technology and the invention of online learning that they all could continue with their education undisturbed while feeling safe at home. Teachers also benefited tremendously from this technological improvement since they also had the chance to continue their working experiences.

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E-Learning Became Possible with the LMS Platforms Entering the Picture

And while all this sounds incredible, people in fact need structured, stable and scalable platforms that can ensure everybody’s smooth and effortless learning experience. That’s where the LMS platforms and integration enter the picture – it’s thanks to them we today can access numerous online courses, seminars and education classes.

LMS stands for Learning Management Systems and they allow developers to create online platforms dedicated to the learning experience as a whole. With LMS, you can create online courses, virtual classrooms, student management, track progress, allow students to sign up for specific lessons or courses, as well as utilize the publication of various types of content.

In a nutshell, LMS allows people to create virtual schools which people attend online and gather all the knowledge they need and want.

Our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development, being a fan of forward-thinking and pioneering, assume that perhaps LMS platforms can easily shape the future of learning and education.

Of course, e-learning requires the best infrastructure, as we’ve already mentioned above. So let’s continue as we check some of the best LMS practices’ requirements and must-haves.

Developers Need to Make Sure the LMS Platform Is Up to the Highest Standards

Creating an e-learning platform requires plenty of skills and vision. After all, the main goal is to ensure people would visit the website and leave enthusiastic and fulfilled from their experience.

Fortunately, nowadays we all have plenty of good examples for pretty much everything online, LMS platforms included. Let’s observe some of the best practices and requirements an online learning website should look up to.

Ensuring an Impeccable Online Learning Experience

The sole reason people visit an online platform is for them to receive dazzling service that lacks bugs, issues and obstacles.

When creating an LMS, developers should pay extra attention to the way they build and present the overall learning experience. The platform should be stable and functional enough so that it can provide smooth learning in the shape of signing up, logging in, tracking progress, choosing the right set of courses or seminars, providing options for live communication, etc.

Focusing on Courses and Lessons Organization

The majority of LMS platforms nowadays provide multiple choices when it comes to courses and seminars.

A good LMS website focuses on all learning materials’ impeccable organization so that anyone can easily find whatever it is they are looking for. Categorizing and proper tagging is an absolute must – no website owner would want their potential students to leave and head straight to the competitors only because they couldn’t navigate the website easily and effortlessly.

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The Teacher Experience Matters Too

Our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development often comes to one particular tendency that we hope would soon die out – when creating an LMS platform, the majority of developers focus mainly on the student experience forgetting completely about that of the teachers as well.

After all, it’s the teachers who are equally as important in the whole learning experience so the website should be constructed in such a manner that it provides them with all the necessary features too. A good LMS platform ensures task assignments, edits and even the option of multiple teachers and lectors enrolling in the platform.

Enabling Subscriptions as Part of the Online Platform’s Ultimate Growth and Development

Subscription-based platforms are proven to be the next best thing, offering students the opportunity to pick their lessons and study at their own pace.

You may want to think about the option of including promo codes, discounts and integrating bonuses in the LMS – they all work wonders when it comes to learning satisfaction, excitement and willingness to keep up the good work.

Considering Certification Options Is Surely the Way to Go

Another benefit of enrolling in online courses and learning is that usually students are accredited with a certification of completion.

This way they can showcase their expertise and acquired skills and knowledge. With that being said, our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development strongly recommends LMS platforms being able to offer automation certification services. We guarantee it would make all the difference!

In Addition to All This…

Above we’ve mentioned some of the best practices we always consider when we have to create and maintain an LMS platform. Of course, there are other numerous requirements and must-haves and they are all based on the e-learning platform’s goal and main purpose.

LMS platforms

  • Opting for ways to monetize your expertise – even though LMS platforms are often considered as an online equivalent to schools and universities, they could also serve as a place where educated professionals and experts in a field can showcase their expertise. In cases like these, the platform should ensure proper monetization options. Some of the most well-known features include adds placement, subscription-based access and exclusive paid content.
  • Finding the proper LMS structure – an online learning website should be well-structured and intuitive so that its target audience can easily navigate through its pages and find whatever it is they need. Some of the best website development practices in terms of structure include focusing on a great About Us page so that people can easily get to know the platform and decide whether it’s trustworthy; handy lists of all the courses and seminars offered online; examples, excerpts and demos of the learning experience so that people can decide whether it suits their needs and expectations; dedicated testimonials and feedback page from students who share their honest experience with the platform; providing the students with the opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas in a forum or other type of messaging feature.
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Fortunately, WordPress Is Fully Compatible with Creating The Best LMS Platform

Our Enterprise WordPress Agency for Development is eager to share with you that our favorite CMS is fully compatible with creating virtually the best LMS platform possible thanks to the LMS integration features, specifically designed for WordPress.

As we all well know, WordPress powers over 40% of worldwide websites. With a number that high, it’s only natural to assume that the CMS would be the first go-to choice for many developers and business owners out there. LMS platforms are no exception – various e-learning platforms choose to trust WordPress for the creation of a truly stable, scalable and fully functional platform that can live up to everyone’s high standards.

WordPress-savvy developers can choose between acclaimed and frequently-used LMS plugins that allow a plethora of features, tools and customization options, ensuring the creation of a truly successful and dazzling e-learning platform. The majority of plugins are designed in such a way that the creator can build courses and lessons directly in the editor. Another plus is that they are highly customizable, offering the opportunity of creating diverse, interesting and multiple lessons courses.

If you’re eager to discover which plugins Vipe Studio prefers using the most, you can check out our LMS-related article here where we discuss the benefits of LearnDash and Sensei – probably one of WordPress’s most famous LMS plugins out there.

Enter the World of WordPress, LMS and Online Education Today

We hope today’s article has managed to tell you the story of LMS platforms and why they have definitely deserved their dedicated place in today’s world of ever-dynamic technology and elevated customer experience.

Learning and education will never stop being of great importance to people. The opportunity for online learning can even increase everyone’s desire and attempts to elevate their expertise. It’s an honor for the web development and WordPress community to be able to support and enhance everyone’s experience in online education.

We encourage you to search for the next best course for you to enroll in today! If you are a business owner wanting to provide their customers with an outstanding LMS platform, you can always give us a call – we’d be more than happy to collaborate!


Vipe Team

Author Vipe Team

Our tireless team who creates high-quality WordPress-related content for you 24/7/365.