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Learn About The Image Optimization Process In Your WordPress Website


Dо yоu knоw that оptimizing аll imаges in yоur WоrdPress cаn bring а hugе impаct оn thе wеbsite spеed? You will be able to accelerate the website speed significantly by having all of your images optimized. In this article, our experts from our WordPress development agency are ready to give you some useful tips on how you can optimize your images for getting a fast website performance without losing quality.

Following some of these easy tips can help you achieve the best and fastest website performance. Optimized images will make your website load fast, improve your SEO ranking, increase your conversion rate, and also reduce storage and bandwidth in your server.

Choose the right file format

This is аn impоrtant tip thаt yоu need tо knоw. Most of our clients at the WordPress development agency are using three popular image file formats which are JPEG, GIF, and PNG. Different file formats may have different impacts on your images. The JPEG format is good for photos with a lot of colors, PNG will be good for simple images, while GIF is suitable for animated images. PNG is an uncompressed format, so it will have the highest image quality. It has the largest file size compared to the other image types.

Our clients at the WordPress agency for development are using JPEG. It is a compressed file format. This format will reduce the image quality slightly for getting a small file size. The GIF format only uses 256 colors with lossless compression. Therefore, it will be a good choice for animated images.

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Learn about image compression

Another important thing that you need to know is image compression. It will play a huge role in the image optimization process. There are several types of image compression that are available today. Most image editing tools, such as On1 Photo, Affinity Photo, GIMP, Adobe Photoshop, etc usually have built-in compression features. You can also use some web-based tools, such as JPEG Mini and TinyPNG for easy image compression.

We also recommend all WordPress users from our WordPress development agency download some WordPress plugins, such as EWWW Image Optimizer or Optimole. Both plugins are useful to compress images when you upload these images to your WordPress site. Our WordPress development agency is ready to help you optimize the use of these plugins.

Choose the right image dimension

When you import an image from the digital camera or smartphone, this image will have a high resolution and also a large file dimension. Most of these images will have a resolution up to 300 DPI with more than 2000 pixels. These images may be suitable for both desktop or print publishing. However, they are not suitable for WordPress sites.

Our WordPress development agency can help you reduce the file dimensions significantly, so you can decrease the image file size immediately. We will be able to help you reduce the file size for up to 90 – 95% of the total size.

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Consider using Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Our experts from our WordPress development agency also recommend the use of CDN. This is a special network that will hold all content from your website, such as images, texts, videos, etc. It will accelerate the speed of your website by placing your content on the network.

This network will deliver the content to the users quickly because it will choose the right server location which has the nearest distance to the users. Our WordPress development agency can provide the best CDN service for your WordPress website. Using this CDN will allow you to accelerate the loading speed of your website without having to lose your image quality.

There are many other great things that you can do for optimizing your images. You can contact our WordPress development agency for asking about our available web optimization services that we have in our company. We will be ready to help you accelerate the overall speed of your website without having to sacrifice your image quality. Our WordPress management service is suitable for you who want to boost the overall performance of your website significantly. Contact us at our WordPress development agency Vipe Studio for asking about our available services and price rate.



Author Supriyadi

SEO expert. Loves travelling. Writing is his passion.