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Can’t Help Falling In Love With A WordPress Website


Every relationship needs to be a two-way connection built with care and consideration. Sure, this is true for real-life relationships, but it also should be applied when talking about the connection you have with your WordPress website. Every day we witness abandoned websites that are not subject to any maintenance and are neglected by their owners. That is not a good practice, and in case you do not have the time to take care of your platform, you can always entrust the support to a WordPress agency that will guarantee the quality of your website.

Given the fact that February is the most romantic month of the year, Vipe Studio has decided to share with you some acts of love you can show to your WordPress website. We can say that it will answer you with the same attention and bring you the results you desire most.

Dress Up For The First Date

A stunning first impression is not the same thing as love at first sight. But certainly, it is an invitation to consider the matter. For most companies, the first impression their readers get about them is from the home page of their WordPress website. It is usually the first one your web visitors will land on, and for that reason, you should touch it up a little.

Pay special attention to the design of your home page. If it looks monotonous or outdated, add some improvements to it, such as some new images, or even video content. Shake it up a little and make it as engaging as you can, because as we said – it will most probably be the first thing your potential customers see when they arrive at your WordPress website. If you are not sure how to deal with these boosts, you can always turn to a web agency that will guide you through this process and help you get the most out of your home page.

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Remember that it might not be a face-to-face date, but it is still the first date. And it must be taken as seriously as in real life. You want to look good, show off your best characteristics, and charm the person you are filling your time with. The same rules apply to the home page design of your WordPress website. Do your best to engage with your viewers so you can create a long and stable relationship.

Express Your Sympathies With A Love Letter

We will never get tired of saying that content is everything! Through it, you transmit the value proposition that the company offers to your customers and engage with them on your WordPress website. Never underestimate the content of your website, but in case you neglect it, do not forget the power it has on your users.

You have to take care of your content and write a new love letter about the company’s recent work regularly. Update the content constantly. In case you do not have the ability to do that, among the many other daily tasks you have, you can always hire a content creator. He or she will dedicate a lot of time to the well-maintained content of your firm in the digital world. Be sure you are providing the best copy possible for your WordPress website. Make it seem like a gesture of love, but instead of expressing it to one person, show your love to your WordPress website and its entire audience.

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Remember Important Anniversaries

Let’s say you succeeded in making your good impression on the first date, but now you have to prove that your soul is just as impressive as your looks. Once you have caught the attention of your viewers, you have to take care of another frequently visited page by every one of your users – the About Us page.

Not keeping in mind the About Us page of your WordPress website is like not keeping in mind your anniversary. It never brings good consequences with itself. The page is crucial for a potential customer, and the information and visualization you provide in it will impact the way this visitor perceives your whole WordPress website.

This page has witnessed a lot of traffic, therefore it would be a good idea to design a custom page layout specifically for it. You can use many different methods to do that and see which one suits you best. Try to present the business history interestingly and innovatively, or show your value propositions with a custom graphic. You can also add photos of your team or some achievements that make you feel proud. Everything that looks attractive and trustworthy to the viewers of your WordPress website will be useful to build a strong relationship with them.

Perform A Kind Gesture

When you are in a relationship with someone, you take care of that person and do your best for him to glow. That is exactly what you should do with the relationship you have with your WordPress website as well. You should show your love by performing those little things that make the flame never go out.

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A simple act of kindness you can perform, is to clean the navigation and the footer of your WordPress website. Like we all know: “Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.” – Coco Chanel. For that reason, you must look at your navigation and footer and simplify the design and the many pages they are presenting. Long drop-down menus, containing many pages, can be too stressful and interfere with the quality user experience your WordPress website provides.

Cleaning up the navigation and footer of your platform will be in great use for the users to find effortless what they are looking for. Believe it or not, it is easier to make a choice between two pieces instead of twenty-two pieces. Simplify your Navigation and Footer and show how caring you can be.

And They Lived Happily Ever After

Love is really in the air and we have to appreciate every lovely moment we witness. Showing and receiving love is the thing that makes us happy people. It is a point of view. That is why you should be kind to everything around yourself. Especially your WordPress website.

Your online platform is the way you present yourself in the digital world. And as we know – nowadays the power of the digital world is growing every single day. That is why you should behave carefully with your face on the web and fill it with love so that everyone can appreciate it.


Vipe Team

Author Vipe Team

Our tireless team who creates high-quality WordPress-related content for you 24/7/365.